This is some kind of record of the creation of shifted copies of the 1s 0d polarizer images. polar_0d_1s_9_redbias.fits was used as the base coordinate system and the other two images (polar_0d_1s_10_redbias.fits, polar_0d_1s_11_redbias.fits) were shifted to match it. The most important information is at the bottom of the file, where you can see how much the images were shifted. Here are the final translation amounts: Name: x: y: shifted image: polar_0d_1s_9_redbias.fits 0 0 polar_0d_1s_10_redbias.fits -0.5 0.1 polar_0d_1s_10_shifted.fits polar_0d_1s_11_redbias.fits -0.2 0.4 polar_0d_1s_11_shifted.fits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDL> fits_read, 'polar_0d_1s_9_redbias.fits', p1, header IDL> fits_read, 'polar_0d_1s_10_redbias.fits', p2, header IDL> shift_div_graph, p2, p1, pn, .9, 1.1 enter x shift: -.45 enter y shift: .25 Mean, Max, Min, StdDev 0.998754 1.45578 0.767521 0.0133515 --------------------------------------------------------- IDL> fits_read, 'polar_0d_1s_11_redbias.fits', p3, header IDL> shift_div_graph, p3, p1, pz, .9, 1.1, scale = 1 Mean, Max, Min, StdDev 0.994766 1.49628 0.898115 0.0154656 enter x shift: -.45 enter y shift: .3 Mean, Max, Min, StdDev 0.994236 1.41512 0.770401 0.0134905 enter x shift: -.3 enter y shift: .45 Mean, Max, Min, StdDev 0.995107 1.38017 0.789329 0.0135091 IDL> shift_div_graph, p3, p1, pz, .9, 1.1, xrange=[400,800], yrange=[5,550], scale = 2 enter x shift: 0 enter y shift: .45 Mean, Max, Min, StdDev 0.996718 1.18311 0.394241 0.00977667 IDL> shift_div_graph, p3, p1, pz, .9, 1.1, xrange=[0,800], yrange=[400,800], scale = 1 enter x shift: -.2 enter y shift: .4 Mean, Max, Min, StdDev 0.995396 1.44950 0.178066 0.0268991 ----------------------------------------------------------- IDL> shift_div_graph, p2, p1, pz, .9, 1.1, xrange=[400,800], yrange=[0,400], scale = 2 Mean, Max, Min, StdDev 1.00262 151.025 -111.497 0.557698 enter x shift: -.5 enter y shift: .1 Mean, Max, Min, StdDev 0.999911 324.342 -131.903 0.945878 -------------------------------------------------------------- IDL> p2_f = shift_im_cbc(p2, -.5, .1) IDL> p3_f = shift_im_cbc(p3, -.2, .4) IDL> fits_write, 'polar_0d_1s_10_shifted.fits', p2_f IDL> fits_write, 'polar_0d_1s_11_shifted.fits', p3_f ----------------------------------------------------- [roban@astronomy-rhkramer 10:10:47 idl]$ idl IDL Version 5.3 (linux x86). (c) 1999, Research Systems, Inc. Installation number: 90525-1. Licensed for use by: Swarthmore College Faculty and Students Only IDL> fixpath % Compiled module: FIXPATH. IDL> cd, '../redbias' IDL> fits_read, 'polar_0d_1s_9_redbias.fits', p0_0 % Compiled module: FITS_READ. % Compiled module: IS_IEEE_BIG. % Compiled module: FITS_OPEN. % Compiled module: SXPAR. % Compiled module: GETTOK. % Compiled module: SXDELPAR. % Compiled module: SXADDPAR. % Compiled module: IEEE_TO_HOST. % Compiled module: FITS_CLOSE. IDL> fits_read, 'polar_0d_1s_10_shifted.fits', p0_1 IDL> fits_read, 'polar_0d_1s_11_shifted.fits', p0_2 IDL> p0 = (float(p0_0) + float(p0_1) + float(p0_2)) / 3.0 IDL> imstat p0 imstat p0 ^ % Syntax error. IDL> imstat, p0 % Compiled module: IMSTAT. Mean, Max, Min, StdDev % Compiled module: MEAN. % Compiled module: MOMENT. % Compiled module: STDDEV. 6950.86 68793.7 -2188.96 15754.8 IDL> fits_write, 'polar_0d_1s_mean_aligned.fits', p0 % Compiled module: FITS_WRITE. % Compiled module: HOST_TO_IEEE. IDL>