Impact of Major on Career Path for 15600 Williams College Alums
This work with Hayley Brooks, Scott Sanderson, and Kaison Tanabe, using the CIRCOS software at its core, has motivated the formation of CereusData. The left side of the circle is broken into 15 parts, each representing a grouping of all majors available at Williams. For example, "Cultural Studies" includes such majors as Anthropology, Sociology, and Asian Studies. The right side of the circle is similarly broken into 15 parts, each representing a grouping of possible careers chosen by Williams alums. Choose one of the three tabs below to explore further.
Each of the 15600 alums has an arc going from the left side of the circle to the right. Those with double majors have two arcs on the left (one from each of their majors, each arc with half thickness) that combine into one resulting career choice. Mouseover the labels on the image below to highlight that particular major or career compilation. Click the image on the right to select the Compilation graphic.
Mouseover the labels on the image to the left to highlight that particular major or career. Click below for the Compilation graphic.
Alums graduating in five year intervals are grouped together, with the total count of alums in each group displayed on the right. Each alum has an arc going from the left side of the circle to the right. Those with double majors have two arcs on the left (one from each of their majors, each arc with half thickness) that combine into one resulting career choice. Mouseover the images on the right to select a timeframe, or use the slider control to step through them sequentially.
![1930-1959 Count: 503](img/careerpath/time-1930-1959--Count-503.jpg)
Mouseover the images below to select a timeframe, or use the slider control to step through them sequentially.
Count: 503
Count: 482
Count: 733
Count: 1050
Count: 1534
Count: 1698
Count: 1727
Count: 1727
Count: 1556
Count: 1396
Count: 892
Each image focuses on a particular major, and each alum with that major has an arc going from the left side of the circle to the right. Those with this as their only major are placed under the major labeling, and double-majors are placed under the labeling of their "second" major in the image. For example, consider the "History" graphic, which shows all alums majoring in History: Those majoring only in History (single majors) fall under the History label in this image, while Biology-History double majors are placed under the Biology label in this image. So a Biology-History double major appears both in the "History" graphic (under the Biology label) and the "Biology" graphic (under the History label). Mouseover the images on the right to select a major.
Mouseover the images below to select the major of interest.
![Culture Studies](img/careerpath/double-culture_studies.jpg)
![Political Studies](img/careerpath/double-political_studies.jpg)
![Computer Science](img/careerpath/double-computer_science.jpg)