Police Interrogations
and Confessions |
Publications |
Alceste, Luke, Redlich, Hellgren, Amrom, & Kassin (in press). The Psychology of confessions: A Comparison of expert and lay opinions. Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Geven, Ben-Shakhar, Kassin, & Verschuere (2020). Distinguishing true from false confessions using physiological patterns of concealed information recognition: A proof of concept study. Biological Psychology, 154, 107902. |
Alceste, Jones & Kassin (2020). Facts only the perpetrator could have known? A study of contamination in mock crime interrogations. Law and Human Behavior. |
Scherr, Redlich & Kassin (2020). Cumulative disadvantage: A psychological framework for understanding how innocence can lead to confession, wrongful conviction, and beyond. Perspectives on Psychological Science. |
Kassin, Scherr & Alceste (2020). The right to remain silent: Realities and illusions. International Handbook of Legal and Investigative Psychology. |
Kassin & Thompson (2019). Videotape all police interrogations — Justice demands it. The New York Times. |
Leach et al. (2019). Looks like a liar? Beliefs about native and non-native speakers' deception. Applied Cognitive Psychology. |
Jordan et al. (2019). A test of the Micro-Expressions Training Tool (METT): Does it improve lie detection? Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. |
Kassin, Russano, Amrom, Hellgren, Kukucka, & Lawson (2019). Does video recording inhibit crime suspects?: Evidence from a fully randomized field experiment. Law and Human Behavior. |
Alceste, Luke, & Kassin (2018). Holding yourself captive: Perceptions of custody during interviews and interrogations. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. |
Kassin, Redlich, Alceste, & Luke. (2018). On the general acceptance of confessions research: Opinions of the scientific community. American Psychologist.
Kassin (2017). False confessions. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews - Cognitive Science. |
Kassin (2017). False confessions: How can psychology so basic be so counterintuitive? American Psychologist |
Vrij, Meissner, Fisher, Kassin, Morgan, & Kleinman (2017). Psychological perspectives on interrogation. Perspectives on Psychological Science. |
Kassin (2017). The killing of Kitty Genovese: What else does this case tell us? Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Kassin, Kukucka, Lawson, & DeCarlo (2017). On the accuracy of and perceptions elicited by police reports of suspect interrogations. Law and Human Behavior. |
Smalarz, Scherr, & Kassin (2016). Miranda at 50: A Psychological Analysis. Current Directions in Psychological Science. |
Appleby & Kassin (2016). When self-report trumps science: Effects of confessions, DNA, and prosecutorial theories on perceptions of guilt. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. |
Marion, Kukucka, Collins, Kassin, & Burke (2016). Lost proof of innocence: The impact of confessions on alibi witnesses. Law and Human Behavior. |
Vrij, Meissner, & Kassin (2015). Problems in expert deception detection and the risk of false confessions: No proof to the contrary. Psychology, Crime & Law, 21, 901-909 |
Kassin (2015). The social psychology of false confessions. Social Issues and Policy Review. |
Kassin (2014). False confessions: Causes, consequences, and implications for reform. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. |
Honts, Kassin & Craig (2014). ”I’d know a false confession if I saw one”: A constructive replication with juveniles. Psychology, Crime and Law. |
Scherr, Miller & Kassin (2014). "Midnight Confession": The effect of chronotype asynchrony on admissions of wrongdoing. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. |
Kassin, Kukucka, Lawson & DeCarlo (2014). Does Video Recording Alter the Behavior of Police During Interrogation? A Mock Crime-and-Investigation Study. Law and Human Behavior. |
Kukucka & Kassin (2014). Do confessions taint perceptions of handwriting evidence? An empirical
test of the forensic confirmation bias. Law and Human Behavior. |
Kassin, Dror, & Kukucka (2013). The forensic confirmation bias: Problems, perspectives, and proposed solutions. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. |
Dror, Kassin, & Kukucka (2013). New application of psychology to law: Improving forensic evidence and expert witness contributions. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. |
Appleby, Hasel, & Kassin (2013): Police-induced confessions: An empirical analysis of their content and impact. Psychology, Crime & Law. |
Kassin (2012). Why confessions trump innocence. American Psychologist. (for a reprint, email skassin@williams.edu). |
Kassin (2012). Paradigm shift in the study of human lie-detection: Bridging the gap between science and practice. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. |
Kassin, Bogart & Kerner (2012). Confessions that corrupt: Evidence from the DNA exoneration case files. Psychological Science. |
Wallace & Kassin (2012). Harmless error analysis: How do judges respond to confession errors? Law and Human Behavior. |
Perillo & Kassin (2011). Inside interrogation: The lie, the bluff, and false confessions. Law and Human Behavior. |
Kassin, Drizin, Grisso, Gudjonsson, Leo, & Redlich (2010).
Police-induced confessions: Risk factors and recommendations. Law and
Human Behavior. [This is an official White Paper of the American
Psychology-Law Society) |
Kassin, Drizin, Grisso, Gudjonsson, Leo, & Redlich (2010). Police-induced confessions, risk factors and recommendations: Looking ahead. Law and Human Behavior. |
Kassin, Appleby, & Perillo (2010). Interviewing suspects: Practice, science,
and future directions. Legal and Criminological Psychology. |
Hasel & Kassin (2009). On the presumption of evidentiary independence: Can confessions corrupt eyewitness identifications? Psychological Science. |
Kassin (2008). The psychology of confessions. Annual Review of Law and Social Science. |
Kassin (2008). Confession evidence: Commonsense myths and misconceptions. Criminal Justice and Behavior. |
Kassin (2008). False confessions: Causes, consequences, and implications for reform. Current Directions in Psychological Science. |
Kassin (2007). Expert testimony on the psychology of confessions: A pyramidal model of the relevant science. In Borgida & Fiske’s Beyond Common Sense: Psychological Science in the Courtroom. |
Kassin, Leo, Meissner, Richman, Colwell, Leach, & La Fon (2007). Police interviewing and interrogation: A self-report survey of police practices and beliefs. Law and Human Behavior. |
Kassin (2007). Internalized false confessions. In Toglia, Read, Ross, & Lindsay's Handbook of eyewitness psychology, Volume 1. (For more information on this book, visit Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.) |
Kassin (2006). A critical
appraisal of modern
police interrogations, in T. Williamson's Investigative
interviewing: Rights,
research, regulation (For more
information on the
book, visit Willan
Publishing). |
Kassin (2005). On the
psychology of confessions:
Does innocence put innocents at risk? American
Psychologist. (for a reprint,
email skassin@williams.edu). |
Kassin & Gudjonsson (2005). True
Crimes, False confessions:
Why do innocent people
confess to crimes
they did not commit? Scientific
American Mind (for a reprint,
email skassin@williams.edu). |
Kassin, Meissner, & Norwick
(2005). "I'd
know a false confession
if I saw one": A
comparative study
of college students and police investigators. Law
and Human Behavior. |

Russano, Meissner,
Narchet, & Kassin
(2005). Investigating true
and false confessions
within a novel experimental
Science. |

Kassin & Gudjonsson (2004). The
psychology of confession
evidence: A review of the literature
and issues. Psychological
Science in the Public
Interest. |
Kassin & Norwick
(2004). Why people waive
Miranda rights: The power of innocence. Law
and Human Behavior. |
Goldstein, & Savitsky (2003). Behavioral
confirmation in the interrogation
room: On the dangers of presuming
guilt. Law and Human Behavior. |
Meissner & Kassin
(2002). "He's guilty!":
Investigator Bias in Judgements
of Truth and Deception. Law
and Human Behavior. |
(2001). Confessions: Psychological
and forensic aspects. In Smelser & Baltes
(Eds.), International Encyclopedia
of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. |
Kassin & Fong
(1999). "I'm Innocent!":
Effects of training on judgments
of truth and deception in the interrogation
Room. Law and Human Behavior. |
(1998). More on the psychology of false confessions. American
Psychologist. |
Kassin (1997). The psychology
of confession evidence. American
Psychologist. (for a reprint, email
skassin@williams.edu). |
Kassin & Sukel
(1997). Coerced confessions
and the jury: An experimental test
of the "harmless error" rule. Law
and Human Behavior. |
Kassin & Neumann
(1997). On
the power of confession evidence:
An experimental test of the "fundamental
difference" hypothesis. Law
and Human Behavior. |
Kassin (1997). False memories turned against the self. Psychological Inquiry. |
Kassin & Kiechel
(1996). The social psychology
of false confessions: Compliance,
internalization, and confabulation. Psychological
Science. |
Wrightsman & Kassin (1993). Confessions
in the Courtroom. Newbury Park,
CA: Sage. |
Kassin & McNall
(1991). Police
interrogations & confessions:
Communicating promises and threats
by pragmatic implication. Law
and Human Behavior. |
Kassin & Wrightsman
(1985). Confession evidence.
In Kassin & Wrightsman (Eds.), The
psychology of evidence and trial
procedure. |
Kassin & Wrightsman
(1981). Coerced confessions, judicial instruction, and mock
juror verdicts. Journal of Applied
Social Psychology. |
Kassin & Wrightsman
(1980). Prior
confessions and mock juror verdicts. Journal
of Applied Social Psychology. |
Materials |
Kassin, Goldstein & Savitsky (2003). Checklist of interview/interrogation questions and tactics. |
Kassin et al. (2007). The 8-page “National Investigators Survey” used in this study. |
Kassin & Neumann
(1997). Click below for trial
summaries of the confession conditions
used in this study. Murder / Rape / Assault / Theft |
Kassin & Sukel
(1997). 22-page
transcript used
in the baseline
control group of
this study. |
the Media |
PODCAST: Wrongful Conviction: False Confessions - The Story of Billy Wayne Cope (4/15/2020) |
Starr (2019). The Confession. Science, 364, 1022-1026. |
New Documentary from Denmark: False Confessions (2018) |
Innocence Project: 5-min video on False Confessions (November 19, 2018) |
CBS 48 Hours – The Fight for Melissa Calusinski, 12/17/17 |
CBS 48 Hours - Amanda Knox: The Untold Story, 10/8/11 |
NBC Dateline – The Mystery in Rock Hill, 7/9/10 |
CBS 48 Hours – Innocence Lost: The Yogurt Shop Murders, 1/9/10 |
The Oprah Winfrey Show, "Coerced confession" featuring Marty Tankleff, 10/20/08 |
ABC Primetime stories on false
confessions, March
30, 2006. |
expert testimony
passes the
Frye test
in Nassau County, NY. Newsday.com, Sept
15, 2005. |
Kassin op ed, "Videotape police interrogations," Boston
Globe, April 26,
2004. |
"Why they lie and confess" - Tracey
Tyler, Toronto Star, August 10, 2003. |
Kassin op ed, "False confessions
and the jogger case," New York
Times, November 1, 2002. |
Fear Factor: How far
can police
go to get
a confession?
- Court TV,
19, 2002.