Preliminary comments

To define a constant, use a single equals sign:


Once defined, you can use the constant anywhere you want:


To avoid problems,  erase from memory  the assigned value to a


When defining a function, you need to remember two important things:
    Use an underscore character after each argument name on the left-hand side (but not on the right-hand side)
    Use a := in the middle


Once defined, you can use the function


The square root of 10


We need to tell MATHEMATICA that we need a numerical value.  We can use a decimal point


or we can use the N function and ask for 50 digits:

N[ Sqrt[10], 50 ]

The command % refers to the previous output

In the following expression I stand for [Graphics:../Images/MATH.LAB.CHEM155.ST_gr_12.gif]

(3 + 4 I) ^10

More complicated functions


Notice the equal ":=" sign that implies a delay calculation, and the underscore "_" sign that implies the independent variable.

Plot a function


Make sure that you do not mix the "( ), { } and [ ]" brackets.  MATHEMATICA gets confused and it will send you an error message.

Find the zeros


Notices "==" logical sign that determines equality.

We can take the derivative of the function:




We have to tell MATHEMATICA to erase from memory defined constants or functions





in1=NIntegrate [ Sin [Sin[x]], {x, 0, Pi} ]



Relevant integrals in the case of the particle in the box.  Here we use regular integration and also we considered a useful mathematical technique to find integrals.


We need to consider some substitutions using the "/." command


Notice that "/. tells MATHEMATICA to substitute and that the actual substitution is given by  the arrow command ->"and multiple substitution are enclosed by a curly bracket and separated by commas.

Finally consider the following integral:


A relevant application in Quantum Mechanics





First we consider the integral of the square of the wave function


Since α is a positive real number the integral is equal to unity.  Thus we say that psiH10 is normalized.

Now we take the  derivative of the wave function


The average <[Graphics:../Images/MATH.LAB.CHEM155.ST_gr_37.gif]> is proportional by the following integral:


Problem 1. - Find the value of <[Graphics:../Images/MATH.LAB.CHEM155.ST_gr_39.gif]> .

Converted by Mathematica      October 2, 2002