I started out doing lower Silurian stratigraphy in Norway. Following my chance discovery of Markes Johnson in Oslo 1982, I moved to Williamstown in 1983. There I have continued doing research both independently on the Silurian of Norway and in cooperation with Markes. Through time I have written on paleoecology, taxonomy, sedimentology and tectonic evolution of the Oslo Region and postglacial Neoproterozoic sedimentology in Finnmark, Norway. Lately I have also branched out to the rest of the Baltic Region. I specialize in biostratigraphy and brachiopod taxonomy and have a few new taxa on my conscience. Together with Markes Johnson I have written mainly biostratigraphic papers from Estonia, Russia, Australia, and North America besides Norway.
Selected publications
2003. Baarli, B.G., Johnson, M.E. and A.I. Antoshkina. Silurian stratigraphy and paleogeography of Baltica. In Landing, E. and Johnson, M.E. (eds), Silurian Lands and Shelf Margins exclusive of North America. New York State Museum Bulletin 492.
Rong J., Johnson, M.E., Baarli, B.G., Li W., Su W., and Wang J. 2001. Continental island from the Upper Silurian (Ludlow) Sino- Korean Plate. Chinese Science Bulletin, v. 46, p. 238-241.
Rong J., Johnson, M.E., Baarli, B.G., Li W., Su W., and Wang J. 2000. Continental island from the Upper Silurian (Ludlow)Sino-Korean Plate. Chinese Science Bulletin, v. 45, p. 2227-2231 [in Chinese].