Kevin M. Jones
The William Edward McElfresh
Professor of Physics
at Williams since 1984

Prof. Jones (seated) with Dave Ticehurst '04 (at board), and Jeff
Garland '03
during a tutorial meeting for Physics 405T Electromagnetic
Theory. They are discussing
the propagation of light in optical fibers.
(photo from a Chronicle of Higher Education
about the Williams Tutorial Program).
- Williams College: B.A., 1977
- Stanford University: Ph.D., 1983
- Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2008
- Guest researcher: National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Department Chair: 1992 - 2003, 2005- 2007
Contact Information:
- Office: BSC 126
- Lab: BSC 024
- Phone: (413) 597-2123
- Dept. Office: (413) 597-2482
- Fax: (413) 597-4116
- E-mail:
Courses taught recently or often
Research interests
I use lasers to study simple atoms and molecules. My research is
conducted at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in
Gaithersburg, MD in collaboration with Dr. Paul Lett, Dr. William
Phillips and many others. One example:
Purely Long Range States in Diatomic Molecules
- By shining a properly tuned laser on a dilute gas of atoms in
a non-uniform magnetic field it is possible to produce "ultra-low"
temperatures of less than 1 mK (i.e. 1/1000 of a degree above
absolute zero). When two of these atoms collide, in the presence
of light at just the right frequency, they can "photoassociate" to
form a molecule. Because the cold atoms have very low velocities
they tend to form molecules where the atoms are moving very
slowly, i.e. at large internuclear distances. Molecular potentials
at large range are determined by van der Waals-type long range
forces which reflect atomic properties without the complication of
electron cloud overlap. For most molecular states, the atoms will
travel into smaller internuclear distance where electron cloud
overlap does become important. However, there are some "purely
long range" states where the two atoms vibrate back and forth but
stay so far apart that only atomic properties and long range
forces are important. Although such states were first predicted in
1977, it was not until the development of laser cooling that
detailed spectroscopy has become possible.
- Working with the laser cooling group at NIST, I have
investigated one of these purely long range states in
Na2 with the motivation of extracting a precise ATOMIC
lifetime from the spectroscopy of the molecule. One interesting --
and unexpected -- result was that to understand the binding energy
of this state it is necessary to include the "retardation" of the
atom-atom interaction, that is the modification of the force
between the two atoms due to the time it takes light to travel
across the molecule (even though the two atoms are only about 3.5
nm ( = 10-17 light seconds) apart!).

This figure shows several rotational levels in the
lowest vibrational state of the purely long range
zero-g-minus (3/2) state of Na2. The arrows
indicate the fitted line positions (where the lines would
appear if the atoms were at a temperature of absolute-zero
instead of at 450 micoKelvin).

A zoom-in on the largest line shown in the first
figure. The red curve shows where the line would appear if
we could somehow crank up the speed of light to infinity.
The shift between the actual line position and the red curve
is a result of the non-zero time it takes light to cross the
molecule -- about 10-17 seconds.
- Other Projects
- (please see the publication list for names of the many
collaborators involved in these projects)
- Photoassociation can also be seen as a way of producing a
sample of cold molecules in a well defined energy state, something
which is difficult to do otherwise. With the NIST group, and
colleagues from the University of Utrecht in Holland, I have used
photoassociation to look at autoionizing, doubly-excited states of
- We have done precision spectroscopy of the triplet ground
state of Na2. Combining our measurements with precise
work by E. Tiemann's group at Hannover we can pin down the two
ground state potentials (singlet and triplet) to unprecedented
precision. This information is useful for understanding the
properties of Bose-Einstein condensates and for designing quantum
computers based on controlled collisions of neutral atoms in an
optical lattice.
- We have shown that it is possible to produce cold sodium
molecules in very high levels of the triplet ground electronic
- As a senior honors project Ginel Hill '00 studied the
hyperfine structure of one particular electronic state of
Na2(the 1g 3S+3P3/2 state). Ginel showed
that it is possible to experimentally label individual hyperfine
lines as having either even or odd total nuclear spin. The
observed hyperfine structure is well described by a relatively
simple model.
- We have used picosecond lasers to observe the dynamics of
collisions between cold atoms.
- We have observed "optically induced Feshbach resonances." When
atoms collide in the presence of appropriately tuned light, their
collisional properties are modified. Several such mechanisms have
been investigated, the particular one we have observed relies on
quantum mechanical interference between two pathways and this is
analogous to the interference observed in a Michelson
interferometer. Optical Feshbach resonances have been proposed as
a way to modify the interactions in a Bose condensate. Our
observation of such resonances in atoms at 1 mK is a first step
towards exploring that possibility.
- We have demonstrated an "all optical" route to the production
of a Bose condensate of sodium atoms. The picture below shows two
pairs of crossed laser beams from a 100 Watt fiber laser. The
images are taken in yellow light that is strongly absorbed by
sodium atoms trapped in the beams. An intial sample of cold atoms
at about 300 microKelvin was produced in a magnetooptical trap.
The laser beams were turned on to produce the optical traps, all
of which are inside the MOT cloud. The MOT was turned off in just
the right way to cool the atoms further and maximize the number
loaded into the optical traps. In frame "a" the atoms have just
been loaded into the optical traps and all of the untrapped atoms
have fallen away. We used a photoassocation transition to optimize
the trap loading process. Frame "b" is taken about 12 seconds
later. During the time between frames the intensity of the laser
forming the traps has been slowly lowered allowing the "hottest"
atoms to evaporate thereby cooling the sample. Eventually the
sample is cold and dense enough that the atoms undergo a
transition to form a Bose condensate (or in this case, four Bose

- A new project, not yet involving cold atoms, is the production
of twin beams of light from four wave mixing in a Rb vapor. In the
course of this work we found some interesting diffraction patterns
due to the non-linear interaction between two crossed laser beams.
Aubryn Murray '05 and Rachel Gealy '04 have investigated these.
With Colin McCormack '95, a post-doc at NIST, we have started to
study pulse propogation in the non-linear medium. Kristen Lemons
'08 assisted in this work during the summer of 2006 and 2007. Work
on this project has contiinued apace, see recent publications
below (until such time as this web page is properly updated).
Review Article
- Kevin M. Jones, Eite Tiesinga, Paul D. Lett and Paul S.
Julienne, "Ultracold photoassociation spectroscopy: Long-range
molecules and atomic scattering," Rev. Mod. Phys.
78, 483 (2006)
- Kevin M. Jones and Jefferson Strait (compilers and
contributers), "Optics and Spectroscopy Undergraduate Laboratory
Resource Book," Optical Society of America, Washington DC (1993)
ISBN 1-55752-270-7
Selected publications
- A.J. Taylor, K.M. Jones, and A.L. Schawlow, "Scanning Pulsed
Polarization Spectrometer Applied to Na2," J. Opt.
Soc. Am. 73, 994 (1983).
- K.P. Ziock, R.H. Howell, F. Magnota, R.A. Failor and K.M.
Jones, "First Observation of Resonant Excitation of High-n States
in Positronium," Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2366
- C. Gerz, T. W. Hodapp, P. Jessen, K. M. Jones, W. D. Phillips,
C. I. Westbrook, and K. Molmer, "The Temperature of Optical
Molasses for Two Different Atomic Angular Momenta," Europhys.
Lett. 21, 661 (1993).
- K. M. Jones, S. Maleki, S. Bize, P.D. Lett, C.J. Williams, H.
Richling, H. Knockel, E. Tiemann, H. Wang, P.L. Gould and W.C.
Stwalley, "Direct Measurement of the Ground-State Dissociation
Energy in Na2," Phys. Rev. A 54 (2),
R1006 (1996).
- K. M. Jones, P.S. Julienne, P.D. Lett, W.D. Phillips, E.
Tiesinga, and C.J. Williams, "Measurement of the atomic Na(3P)
lifetime and of retardation in the interaction between atoms bound
in a molecule," Europhys. Lett. 35 (2), 85
- E. Tiesinga, C.J. Williams, P.S. Julienne, K.M. Jones, P.D.
Lett and W.D. Phillips, " A Spectroscopic Determination of
Scattering Lengths for Sodium Atom Collisions," J. Res. Natl.
Inst. Stand. Technol. 101 , 505 (1996)
- K.M. Jones,S. Maleki, L.P. Ratliff and P.D. Lett, "Two-Colour
Photoassociation Spectroscopy of Ultracold Sodium," J. Phys.
B 30, 289 (1997)
- Y.M. Liu,J.A. Li, D.Y. Chen, L. Li, K.M. Jones,B. Ji, R.J. Le
Roy, "Molecular constants and Rydberg-Klein-Rees potential curve
for the Na2 1 3Sigmag-
State," J. Chem. Phys. 111 (8), 3494 (1999)
- K.M. Jones, P.D. Lett, E.Tiesinga, and P.S. Julienne, "Fitting
line shapes in photoassociation spectroscopy of ultracold atoms: a
useful approximation," Phys. Rev. A 61, 012501
- A.Amelink, K.M. Jones, P.D. Lett, P. van der Straten and
H.G.M. Heideman, "Spectroscopy of autoionizing doubly-excited
states in ultracold Na2 molecules produced by
photoassociation," Phys. Rev. A 61, 042707
- A. Amelink, K.M. Jones, P.D. Lett, P. van der Straten and
H.G.M. Heideman, "Single- Color Photoassociative Ionization of
Ultracold Sodium: The region from 0 to -5 GHz, Phys. Rev. A
62, 013408 (2000)
- F.K. Fatemi, K.M. Jones and P.D. Lett, "Observation of
Optically Induced Feshbach Resonances in Collisions of Cold
Atoms," Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4462 (2000)
- Fredrik Fatemi, Kevin M. Jones, He Wang, Ian Walmsley, and
Paul D. Lett, "Dynamics of photoinduced collisions of cold atoms
probed with picosecond laser pulses," Phys. Rev. A
64, 033421 (2001)
- C. McKenzie, J. Hecker Denschlag, H. Haffner, A. Browaeys,
Luis E. E. de Araujo, F.K. Fatemi, K.M. Jones, J. E. Simsarian, D.
Cho, A. Simoni, E. Tiesinga, P.S. Julienne, K. Helmerson, P.D.
Lett, S.L. Rolston, and W.D. Phillips, "Photoassociation of Sodium
in a Bose-Einstein Condensate," Phys. Rev. Lett. 88,
120403 (2002)
- Fredrik K. Fatemi, Kevin M. Jones, Paul D. Lett, and Eite
Tiesinga, "Ultracold ground-state molecule production in sodium,"
Phys. Rev. A 66, 053401 (2002)
- Luís E. E. de Araujo, Jonathan D. Weinstein, Stephen D.
Gensemer, Fredrik K. Fatemi, Kevin M. Jones, Paul D. Lett, and
Eite Tiesinga, "Two-color photoassociation spectroscopy of the
lowest triplet potential of Na2," J. Chem. Phys.
119, 2062 (2003)
- Eite Tiesinga, Kevin M. Jones, Paul D. Lett, Udo Volz, Carl J.
Williams, and Paul S. Julienne , "Measurement and modeling of
hyperfine- and rotation-induced state mixing in large weakly bound
sodium dimers," Phys. Rev. A 71, 052703 (2005)
- K. Xu, Y. Liu, J.R. Abo-Shaeer, T. Mukaiyama, J.K. Chin, D.E.
Miller, W. Ketterle, Kevin M. Jones, and Eite Tiesinga, "Sodium
Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice," Phys. Rev.
A 72, 043604 (2005).
- R. Dumke, J. D. Weinstein, M. Johanning, K. M. Jones, and P.
D. Lett, Sub-Natural-Linewidth Quantum Interference Features
Observed in Photoassociation of a Thermal Gas, Phys.
Rev. A 72, 041801 (2005) (Rapid
- Kevin M. Jones, Eite Tiesinga, Paul D. Lett and Paul S.
Julienne, "Ultracold photoassociation spectroscopy: Long-range
molecules and atomic scattering," Rev. Mod. Phys.
78, 483 (2006)
- R. Dumke, M. Johanning, E. Gomez, J.D. Weinstein, K. M. Jones
and P. D. Lett, "All-optical generation and photoassociative
probing of sodium Bose-Einstein condensates," New J.
Phys. 8, 64 (2006)
- A. M. Marino, V. Boyer, R. C. Pooser, P. D. Lett,1, K. Lemons
(Williams '08) and K. M. Jones, "Delocalized Correlations in Twin
Light Beams with Orbital Angular Momentum," Phys. Rev.
Lett. 101, 093602 (2008)
- R. C. Pooser, A. M. Marino, V. Boyer, K. M. Jones, and P. D.
Lett, "Low-Noise Amplification of a Continuous-Variable Quantum
State," Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 010501
- R. C. Pooser, A. M. Marino, V. Boyer, K. M. Jones, and P. D.
Lett, "Quantum correlated light beams from non- degenerate
four-wave mixing in an atomic vapor: the D1 and D2 lines of 85Rb
and 87Rb," Optics Express 17 16722
Williams Physics