THESIS STUDENTS (list w/thesis titles and current activities ...)Dr. David Richardson (postdoc: 12/98 - 6/01) [now at NW Missouri St. Univ.]
Dr. Michael Green (postdoc: 11/02 - 11/03) [now at U. Sidney / Medical Physics Imaging lab]
Dr. Ralph Uhl (postdoc: 1/04 - 12/05) [now in Berlin, Germany]
Dr. Mevan Gunawardena (current postdoc: 12/06 - ) [Ph.D., Purdue Univ. 2007]
Here are some older talks...
PKM talks:Background and 378 nm experiments in thallium (April '03)
Ongoing 1283 nm experiments in thallium (April '03)Talk by S. Charles Doret '02:
Apker Award Finalist Talk (APS Headquarters, Sept '02) [2.0 MB]
Some more words/pictures about
past and current experiments...