Prof. Jay M. Pasachoff; Prof. Marek Demianski, Dr. Steven Souza                  Spring 2015

Astronomy 104                                         The Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe Beyond


1   W         2/4          Introduction; sense of scale                                                           Ch 1


2     T         2/10        Sense of scale; properties of light                                                  Ch 1


3    R         2/12        Light/energy                                                                                  Ch 2


4     T         2/17        Light and Telescopes                                                                     Ch 3

2/17-2/18 Lab I: Distances in Astronomy                                                                            


5    R         2/19        Observing the Stars and Planets                                                    Ch 4


6     T         2/24        The Milky Way                                                                           Ch 15

2/24-2/25 Lab II: The Virtual Sky


7    R         2/26        The Interstellar Medium                                                              Ch 15


8     T         3/3          Mapping Interstellar Space & Spiral Structure                            Ch 15


9    R         3/5          Galaxies                                                                                      Ch 16


10   T         3/10        Cepheids, Hubble's Law, and the Scale of the Universe          Ch 12,16

reading about Cepheids: from Miss Leavitt's Stars by George Johnson; book or ereserves


11  R         3/12        Gravitational Lensing                                                                  Ch 16


12   T         3/17       First Hour Exam (through Chapter 16 material)   

3/17-3/18 Lab III: Hubble's Law and the Expansion of the Universe                                  


13  R         3/19        Prof. Demianski: Large-scale structure/the farthest galaxies       Ch 16


spring break; 3/20: total eclipse of the sun in Svalbard; 4/4 US total eclipse of the moon


14   T         4/7          Black holes                                                                                  Ch 14


15  R         4/9          Supermassive black holes                                                            Ch 14


16   T         4/14        Quasars and active galactic nuclei                                                Ch 17

4/14-4/15 Lab IV: Galaxies, Active Galaxies and Quasars


17  R         4/16        Quasars and active galactic nuclei                                                Ch 17


18   T         4/21        The big bang and the early universe                                            Ch 18


19  R         4/23        The formation of the elements; fundamental forces                     Ch 19


20  T          4/28        Second Hour Exam (largely on Ch 14/16/17 material)              Ch 19


21  R         4/30        Prof. Demianski: The cosmic background radiation                    Ch 18


22   T         5/5          Dark matter and the inflationary Universe                                   Ch 19

5/5-5/6 Lab V: Exploring Dark Matter


23  R         5/7          Planets outside our solar system                                                   Ch 9


24   T         5/12        Exoplanet searches and successes                                                 Ch 9


25  R         5/14        The search for life in the Universe                                               Ch 20


May 16-19 Reading Period; Final Exam to be scheduled during May 20-25 Exam Period