JOSO - A Trans-European Coronal Observing Network
Joint Eclipse Campaign of Russians
Observations by Alessandro Cacciani, Univ "LA SAPIENZA"
European Southern Observatory's Astronomy On-Line
NATO Workshop Proceedings for the 1999 Total Solar EclipseNATO Advanced Study Institute- August 1999
The experiment will use two optical telescopes: one, of 250/1200 mm, placed on the ground at high altitude (in mountains, at more that 1,500 m) and another one, of 125mm, airborne on a turbo jet flying along the umbra path on the Romanian territory. Both the telescopes will be equipped with fast reading (SCASI) 786 x 512 pixels CCD. As a byproduct, the digital images of the solar corona will be obtained during the totality; their processing could give valuable information about the coronal structure and dynamics as well as on solar prominences, coronal streamers and coronal mass ejections.
More details can be found at:
Chadegan is site about 15 Km south of the totality path. This place is about 100 km from Isfahan in Iran. The site is close to a big lake at an altitude of about 2800 m. It is expected to provide clear sky with good transpareny during the eclipse.
Astronomical Institute and Slovak Astronomical Society of the Slovak Academy of Sciences will continue in observing of the solar corona during the August 11, 1999 solar eclipse. The eclipse team will be splitted and located along the path of totality due the weather condition. Scientific program will be as follow:
Photometry and structure of the inner white-light corona
Equipment: A 20 cm lens with a focal length of 300 cm. The lens will be fed by a light from a 35 cm coelostat mirror. Several frames will be taken on a plane film of 18 x 24 cm with a short and longer exposures. It is supposed to take the solar corona picture up to 3 solar radii without of a neutral radial-gradded filter due a possibility of computer image-processed technique.
Photometry and structure of the outer white-light corona
Telelens a 8/500 mm will be used to take the solar corona with different exposures on the colour film.
Observational site: Elazig (Harput), 38 degrees and 42 arcmin N, 39 degrees and 15 arcmin E,Turkey
Participants: V. Rusin (head), P. Zimmermann, L. Klocok, M. Minarovjech
These experiments will be collaborated to Kandilli Observatory team headed by Dr. A. Ozguc (Turkey) and Kitt Peak Observatory team, headed by Dr. B. Livingston.
Two a 10 cm lenses, F = 100 (200) cm will be used to take several snapshots in the white-light up to 4-5 solar radii. Colour film will be used.
Place: Hungary (different observational sites)
Responsible persons: Dr. J. Ziznovsky, Dr. E Pittich
Spectrum of the solar corona
Target: Two snapshots of the corona spectrum in the spectral range of 480 nm to 570 nm with a dispersion of 1 nm/mm wil be taken. The first one will be taken with a slit tangentially oriented to the solar surface at the height of 1.5 solar radii. The snapshot will be taken immediately after the second contact. The second one, the slit will intersect the Moon and the spectrum will be taken in two oposite spaces in the solar corona. These material will be used
(1) to study a presence of chromospheric lines in the corona
(2) to separate an emission of the K- and F-corona using the Grotrian's
Equipment: Telelens D/f = 200/1000 mm with the grating spectrograph
Spectrum of the scatterd light in the atmosphere
Target: Spectrum of the scattered light of the terrestrial atmosphere at a distance of 30 degrees from the Sun. This frame will be taken immediately after the second contact with a dispersion of 3 nm/mm in the spectral region of H-alpha. This picture will be taken with a grating spectrograph without of a lens. Analysis wil be used to check whether an emission of chromospheric lines very high in the solar corona is real, or it is a scattering in the terrestrial atmosphere.
Participants: M. Rybansky (head), L. Scheirich
Location: Balaton lake, Tihany, 46 degrees, 54 arcmin N, 17 degrees and 54 arcmin E, Hungary
Tatranska Lomnica, May 10, 1999
V. Rusin ( and M. Rybansky (
LIVE!ECLIPSE Executive Committee plans to live-broadcast this century's last annular eclipse on Tuesday, February 16 via the Internet. The organization's video crew will be transmitting the live image from Mullewa, West Australia. Mr. Bevan Harris, president of The Astronomical Society of Western Australia (ASWA) supported the organization in terms of observation site coordination.
The details of the event are as follows:
Feb. 16 Program Outline
- - Live Time (UT):
Start at 6:00 and close at 8:30 or earlier, on February 16, 1999
- - Live Contents:
The program will be providing the realtime video of the circular sun gradually eclipses to become a thin ring which at last returns to the former shape. The LIVE!ECLIPSE Executive Committee will be arranging 2 stream types -- 20kbps video-only stream, enabling a low-bandwidth line to let viewers enjoy the program, and 45kbps stream with video and sound, conveying the real atmosphere of the observation site.
This time's eclipse will show a very thin ring with the maximum eclipse ratio being 98%. So we can expect to see the beautiful Bailey's Beads, the sunlight leaking out from the rough surface of the moon which looks like a pearl-beads necklace. The annularity will start around 7:30 (UT) and will pearl-beads necklace. The annularity will start around 7:30 (UT) and will last for only 47 seconds.
- - URL
- - System Requirements:
RealPlayer 5 or RealPlayer G2 needed for video, 56kbps modem or ISDN TA for video and audio.
- - Image Of The Prominences
We plan to upload on the website the image of the eclipsing sun and the prominences within 30 minutes after the live. The prominences will be videotaped using a special filter. An annular eclipse enhances the contrast of prominence against the bright sunlight by covering the sun, and makes it easier for us to observe and videotape the prominences. Please note, however, that whether we will be able to capture clear prominence images may depend of the condition of the sun.
Significant Step Toward The European Total Eclipse In August
On August 11, we expect this century's last total eclipse covering unusually wide area from Europe to West Asia. The LIVE!ECLIPSE Executive Committee positions the Feb. 16 undertaking as the technical testing, eyeing the August live program of the European total eclipse, of Internet live which can handle highly-concentrated, one-time access through burden distribution.
The preparation for the August live has already been on the way by the LIVE!ECLIPSE Executive Committee. What we are planning is to send out the eclipse image from as many places as possible. We, therefore, are looking forward to a global-scale support either from organizations or individuals, in fields of observation, technology, equipments, funds, translations and others. Please contact for inquiries.
Profile Of LIVE!ECLIPSE Executive Committee
The LIVE!ECLIPSE Executive Committee is a non-profit organization formed by amateur astronomers, astronomical observatories, SOHO workers, network engineer, students majoring in technology, as well as individuals. It is supported by many corporations. The organization is headed by Masami Okyudo, a director of Misato Observatory who has accumulated expertise in the promotion of astronomy utilizing the Internet.
Starting from the March 1997 Mongolia/Siberia total eclipse Internet live, the LIVE!ECLIPSE Executive Committee carried out live programs of 3 consecutive total/annular eclipses. As the world's top leader of eclipse Internet live webcasts, our unique programs, fully utilizing the cutting-edge Internet technologies, have achieved many accesses from an average of 100 nations all over the world.
Press Inquiries
Y. Honobe, Public Relations, LIVE!ECLIPSE Executive Committee
- -------------------------------------------------
Junichi Watanabe, Dr. Public Information Office National Astronomical Observatory of Japan / STAR WEEK in Japan / Osawa, Mitaka, 181-8588 Tokyo Japan / / / 1999 / / Aug.1-7 / FAX: +81-422-34-3810 Phone:+81-422-34-3638
Our institute (Royal Observatory of Belgium) is preparing expeditions to two observing sites in N-E France (Vosges) and in central Romania (Rimnicu Vilcea area). The main goal si to use white-light polarimetry to extract the K-corona components and then derive the global electron density distribution. More information about belgian scientific projects will soon be posted in a new version of our Eclipse 99 web page :
On the European level, I am also coordinating an observing network for multi-site polarimetric observations : TECONet. This adds a time dimension to the observations (the spread of stations aloows to track the corona during 1h15m), which would allow to study any dynamical dusturbance of the corona. Plus the benefit of increasing the chances of getting clear skies at a few locations at least. The description of the project, which was broadcasted last november through this SE list, is now accessible at the following address :
Anyone interested to join in, amateur or professionnal, is still strongly encouraged to apply (currently 8 participating groups), but it is high time !
Best regards,
Frederic Clette
Chairman JOSO "Eclipse 99" Working Group
Observatoire Royal de Belgique Departement de Physique Solaire Avenue Circulaire, 3 B-1180 Bruxelles Belgique/Belgium tel : ../32/(0)2/373.02.33 fax : ../32/(0)2/373.02.24 e-mail :
From: M. A. Penaloza
The Institute for Environmental Research of the University of Essex (Colchester, England), in association with the Universidad de Los Andes (Faculty of Science, Dept. of Physics. Merida-Venezuela), present to those willing to participate and colaborate in the observation of the total solar eclipse 1999 August 11 the project described below.
Those who are already preparing similar experiments are invited to join the project, to extend the significance of their work. In addition, anyone who is willing to undertake this kind of scientific experiment is also welcome. This includes experienced amateur eclipse chasers as well as professional teams, or even a mix of both.
The Joint Organisation for Solar Observations (JOSO), a consortium of European solar astronomers, has initiated a new project : the coordination of polarimetric observations of the solar corona across Europe and the Middle-East during the 1999 August 11 total solar eclipse.
First, those who are already preparing a polarimetric experiment are invited to join the project, to extend the significance of their work. In addition, anyone who is willing to undertake this kind of scientific experiment is also welcome. This includes experienced amateur eclipse chasers as well as professional teams, or even a mix of both.
Combining many observing stations basically means increasing the number of good data sets acquired under clear skies (which we wish to everybody !). Moreover, as the stations will be distributed along the totality band, the time differences between observations (up to 1 h 30 min) will allow coronal dynamics studies by tracking any change in the images over much longer durations than the 2-min totality experienced at a single location (3-D reconstruction by solar rotation, coronal mass ejections, flow speeds, etc.).
In order to keep the equipment simple, inexpensive and thus accessible to anyone, and also to ensure some homogeneity of the various data, some prerequisites have been defined :
Detector : black & white phtography, CCD camera Bandpass : white-light, broadband Field of view : 1.0-1.15 to 2.5-4.0 solar radii Spatial resolution : 10 arcsec or better Polarimetry : linear polarisation filter on an indexed rotating mount (minimum of 3 positions 60 degrees apart)
Very high-resolution images in unpolarized (total) intensity with the same spatial coverage can also be included. Other ideas and suggestions are welcome ...
JOSO will act as an information "node" for network
coordination :
- - practical help : - forwarding contact requests to the appropriate people - searches for an observing site - support for custom clearance (intercession with local authorities) - - technical advice : observing tips, instrument design, equipment suppliers.
JOSO will prompt the formation of a professional data analysis group, on a voluntary basis, as only the subsequent interpretation and publication of the data will make the whole TECONet concept meaningful. However, JOSO cannot provide funding or equipment to participating teams, except for polarizer sheet filters, when necessary, and rolls of film (with laboratory calibration pre-exposures).
If you are eager to contribute scientifically useful data at the occasion of this rather unique event in the context of an international collaboration, you can get additional information by visiting the JOSO eclipse Web pages, which are under development :
>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<
or, by contacting the TECONEt 99 coordinator :
Frederic CLETTE JOSO "Eclipse 99" Working Group Observatoire Royal de Belgique Avenue Circulaire, 3 B-1180 Bruxelles, Belgium Tel. : ../32/2/373.02.33 Fax : ../32/2/373.02.24 E-mail :
Prof. Miklos Marik
Astronomical Department of the Eotvos University
Dr. Gabor Szecsenyi-Nagy
Contacting person for science and education.
Attila Mizser Contact person for amateur astronomy. Secretary of the Hungarian Astronomical Society
Zoltan Orha editor, MTV (Hungarian Television), KHT Studio, H-1810, Budapest, Szabadsag ter 17. Contact person for the press. Tel.: 36-0630323626
Prof. Lajos Balazs. Director of the Konkoly Observatory
Dr. Andras Ludmany Heliophysical Observatory, Debrecen 10, Box: 30. H-4010
Dr. Karoly Szatmary Director of the Astronomical Observatory of the Jozsef Attila University in Szeged. University Astronomical Observatory
Dr. Istvan Jankovics Director of the Gothard Astrophysical Observatory in Szombathely.
Dr. Tibor Hegedus Director of the Baja Astronomical Observatory.
Dr. Sandor Nagy Astronomer of the Satellite Geodesic Observatory. in Penc.
Dr. Andras Horvat Director of the Budapest Planetarium.
Otto Zombori, Director of the Urania Observatory, H-1016 Budapest Sanc utca 3/b. Phone: (36-1) 2671391.
Accommodation and other tourist services:
PEGAZUS TOURS, Joseph Gyorgy, Address: H-1053, Budapest, Ferenciek tere 5. Hungary. Phone: (36-1) 1171644, Fax: (36-1) 2670171
KON-TIKI Travel Services, Gyorgy Kovacs E-mail:, phone: (36-1) 2670600, fax: (36-1) 1172902, adress: H-1053, Magyar utca 44.
OF THE AUGUST 11, 1999, ECLIPSE by Voyto Rusin, Slovakia
By invitation of Dr. A. Ozguc of the Kandilli Observatory, Istanbul, and Mr. M. Kartopu, vice-director of the travel agency Magister Tours Inc. I had an opportunity to visit several places along the eclipse path in Turkey. Other members of the inspection team were: Dr. Bill Livingston from National Solar Observatory, Tucson, Dr. Atila Ozguc and 5 of his colleagues from Kandilli Observatory, and Mr. Kartopu with his daughter. The inspection lasted from August 6 to August 13, 1998, and we visited the following places along the eclipse path: Sivas and its surroundings, Elazig, Lake Hazar, Diyarbakir, Basnik and Batman. Here I report some experiences from this trip. From Istanbul to Sivas, via Ankara, and from Batman to Istanbul, we flew by Turkish Airlines with comfortable planes (Boeing 737) and good crew and catering. The other part of the trip was made by bus, provided by Magister Tours Inc.
SIVAS: Sivas is located in the middle Anatolian Peninsula in the upper Kizilirmak zone and has an airport about 20 km from the city center. There are several good hotels in the city. There is also a university (5 km from the city center) with a campus which would make a suitable observing site (a grass-covered football pitch or a space near the buildings, only particularly covered by grass). It was very windy during our visit. Small hills surround the town. The university staff promised high security in the campus, electricity and accommodation. Unfortunately, as shown in the appended Table, the site is very far from the central line. The sky brightness on the day of the visit, August 7, 1998, was very low, even when there were a few clouds in the sky around noon. Fortunately they disappeared before the time of eclipse.
Going on our way we reached EMREKOY to the northwest, a place just on the central line. Only a few private houses are located there. A special camp should be prepared at this place. A few kilometers further (10 km) brought us to a small, lonely village called HAFIK. It is located in a small valley with many trees and municipal or private houses which can be used for accommodation. There are several places around the village to prepare camps for observations. I think some Japanese teams have already booked buildings in the village.
ELAZIG and its surrounding. Elazig is located in the upper part of the Euphratus region, surrounded by a crown of hills and the Keban and Karakaya dams. We visited four areas as possible observational places in this region. The first one was HARPUT. This hill is almost 200 m higher than the city, around 5 km to the northeast of Elazig. There is a restaurant at the top and, not very far from it, many private houses. The area around the top has several terraces. Electricity will be available, and also toilets (rest rooms). Unfortunately, there will not be any accommodation, only a camping area for tents. The hill continues very far in a flat terrain. It is supposed that scientists located here will have their accommodation in the University campus, down in the city. In the Elazig valley we visited 2 other places, the SUGAR FACTORY (accommodation available here for 40-60 people) with a huge, flat area directly inside the factory. Electricity and toilets will be guaranteed there. The third place is a BANK on the DAM. There is no electricity at this place at the moment, however, it is very close to the best possible observing place. Another place, very close to the dam, is the horse race track, with electricity and toilets. Both these places are located on the plane. The city has an airport with flights from Istanbul and Ankara.
HAZAR lake is located about 25 km southeast of Elazig. All facilities in the hotel TURPOL can be used for accommodation and a place around them, just at the lake, for observations. It is very lonely and beautiful place.
DIYARBAKIR is the biggest southeastern Anatolian city (a center of the region, with 400 000 inhabitants). It is very far from the central line and the total eclipse will last here for only 1-minute. Like many other big cities in the world, pollution there is very bad and I do not recommend this city for scientific observation of the eclipse. However, for visiting, yes! The city has an airport with a connection to Istanbul and Ankara.
BASNIK (now BADGERE) is located 55 km east of Diyarbakir, directly on the central line. This place is located on the plane with a strong and hot wind (we visited this place on August 12, 1998). It is intended to prepare a temporary campus there.
BATMAN was the last stop in our inspection. This city is also mostly on the plane and half-private oil factory is located there. It is intended to prepare an observational place directly in the factory, on the helicopter port or very close to it. Of course, individuals might choose to observe the eclipse directly from hotel areas. Batman also has air connection with Ankara and Istanbul. Batman, during our visit, also had heavier dust pollution than Elazig or Sivas.
Weather forecast: nearly 100 per cent clear sky at all visited places at the eclipse day in 1999!
My own impression: I personally prefer Harput or Sivas, mainly for the lower temperature (by about 5-10 degrees) than Basnik, Diyarbakir and Batman. The temperature in and around Sivas and Elazig was 30 degrees in Celcius. The sky brightness was also much better there. This was confirmed when we flew from Batman to Istanbul, over the Elazig and Sivas regions. Some orographic clouds could arise in the Diyarbakir and Batman regions for agricultural reasons, using water from the Euphrates and Tigris dams. It seems to me that the Elazig and nearby should be the best place for observation. We need to remember that this is the harvest period. Dust (debris) from the harvest could be dangerous for observers, when stirred by local winds.
I did not find any problem with Kurdish troubles during our visit to this part of Turkey, and all the people we met were very friendly. On the other hand, you may account a military check-point in this region, provided for your own safety. Mr. Kartopu confirmed that all camps prepared by his travel agency will be protected 24 hours a day. Roads are of satisfactory quality in the region visited, with right-hand drive and standard European road signs.
Table: Geographic position and duration of the eclipse at places visited on the eclipse path in Turkey
Place Latitude Longitude Elevation Totality D M D M Meters Sivas (Univ. campus) 39 24.4 37 00.98 1341 1 m 0.1 s Emrekoy 39 49.6 37 18.08 1310 2 14 Hafnik 39 50.35 37 24.48 1280 2 12 Harput 38 42.13 39 15.03 1372 2 06 Turpol 38 28.82 39 18.71 1400 1 46 Sugar F. 38 37.96 39 20.52 853 2 05 Horse r. 38 39.24 39 21.61 792 2 07 Dam 38 38.53 39 24.38 762 2 07 Basnik 38 07.41 40 44.44 853 2 09 Batman 37 52.12 41 08.00 488 2 08
Conclusions: If you want to participate in
the August 11, 1999, eclipse in Turkey please contact: and/or
Web page is
1/ An international meeting "The last total solar eclipse of
the millennium in Turkey" will be held in Istanbul (August
13-15, 1999).
2/ Turkey is a very exciting country with many tourist attractions, e.g. Istanbul, Diyarbakir, dams on biblical rivers, Hasankeyf - one of the oldest places of settlement in the world (11 000 years BC).
3/ More details of places and about conditions in Turkey, as well as intended programs for the forthcoming 11 August 1999 eclipse can be found in the proceedings of "The solar eclipse 1999 workshop", held on August 8, 1998 in Prague (the Czech republ ic) as a part of JENAM'98 and issued by the Slovak Astronomical Society, 059 60 Tatranska Lomnica, The Slovak republic (P. Kotrc, E. Markova and V. Rusin editors). The proceedings are expected be available from January 1999. The estimated price 25 US D + 5 USD postage. Please contact: or or
Acknowledgment. I would like to express my deepest thanks to Dr. A. Ozguc and Mr. Kartopu for their invitation to participate in this trip and for the excellent hospitality during this visit.
Tatranska Lomnica, November 1998
Voyto Rusin
Astronomical Institute
Slovak Academy of Sciences
059 60 Tatranska Lomnica
Member of the IAU working group "Solar eclipses"
(Chair: Prof. J.M. Pasachoff,
and JOSO eclipse WG 7 (Chair: Dr. F. Clette,
Royal Greenwich Observatory about the 1999 eclipse viewed from the UK:
Joint Eclipse Campaign of Russians
From: Iraida S. Kim 939-1676 <>
Enclosed is a brief summary concerning the Joint Eclipse Campaign of Russians which is being organized now in the frame of activity of the Solar Section of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Certainly, this is a preliminary one as economy is being changed rapidly in Russia. An initiative group chaired by V. Obridko (IZMIRAN) and I. Kim (Moscow university) is trying to find Russian and foreign sources for the eclipse campaign of the professional astronomers.
Draft for the Joint Eclipse Expedition of Russians
Institutions: Russian Academy of Sciences + Universities; Sites: Turkey and Bulgaria; Participants: 2 teams consisting of ~10 participants each one, individuals will observe in France, Roumania, etc. Programme: Priority is given to polarimetric and spectral researches of the white-light corona, E-corona, and F-corona which will be carried out in the frame of international cooperation (France, USA, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Kazakhstan, etc.). Other experiments (Corona Color, Photometry, Radio (mm), ... are included as sub-programs). The most part of the eclipse programme will be co-ordinated by the SOHO team (B. Fleck).
I hope that the final eclipse program will be completed in December.
Probably experience of Russians could be useful for colleagues in the frame of cooperation:
polarimetry - IZMIRAN and Moscow university; spectral researches - Moscow university, IZMIRAN, Pulkovo; colour photometry - Moscow university and IZMIRAN.
Amateur activity will be coordinated by the Russian astronomical society
(V. Obridko is one of Co-Chairs). Additional activity for amateurs is being developed by A. Romanov.
Williams College Team - We plan to carry out a 1-Hz coronal oscillation experiment and a coronal temperature mapping experiment (sponsored by the NSF), a coordinated observation with SOHO EIT (sponsored by NASA), and an ultraviolet coronal temperature mapping experiment (sponsored by National Geographic) from a site in the hills west of Bucharest, Romania. We also plan to collaborate with the Observatory of the Romanian Academy of Sciences with high-resolution observations from their site in Bucharest. Jay M. Pasachoff
More information available at:
European Southern Observatory's Astronomy On-Line
The educational Astronomy On-Line Programme is now active again in connection with the total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999!
The European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE) invites all interested schools and amateur astronomers inside and outside the totality zone to observe this unique phenomenon. All observers can join the simple, but interesting projects.
The new website is full of interesting information about this event and other solar eclipses:
NATO Workshop Proceedings for the 1999 Total Solar Eclipse
The proceedings, Theoretical and Observational Problems Relating to Solar Eclipses, edited by Zadig Mouradian and Magda Stavinschi, was published in 1997 by Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-4619-X. (It was reviewed in The Observatory for April 1998, pp. 105-106.)
NATO Advanced Study Institute - August 1999
Observations by Alessandro Cacciani, Univ "LA SAPIENZA"
I am probably will be able to observe coronal polarization (low resolution, wide field of view) with my precise polarimeter used to detect Doppler and magnetic solar images when coupled with my Magneto-Optical Filter (MOF, see please The location will be Kandilli Observatory near Istanbul, Turkey. I need to inform you that the instrumentation is not yet ready but I am working on it and I am in contact with Dr Atila Ocguz of Kandilli Observatory for collaboration.
Not just an other eclipse-site: on the eclipse site of the EAAE (European Association for Astronomy Education) and ESO (European Southern Observatory) students across Europe as well as amateur astronomers (or even better: students in cooperation with amateur astronomers!) are invited to do some simple experiments during the 1999 eclipse. The URL of the site is:
The contents: - - where and when to observe the eclipse - - how to observe the eclipse (with original methods for save observing) - - how to photograph the eclipse (with a unique 'exposure time calculator'!) - - students projects (measuring the moon's distance etc.) - - a map of groups joining the projects
Meteorological Institute in Bucharest Webpage
Web site for total eclipse in Esfahan, Iran
Eclipse in Turkey
Turkish astronomers are planning to set up official sites
at Sivas and Elazig.
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Eclipse99 Ltd.
UK Consortium for Eclipse 99 (UK, association of professional astronomers)
Strasbourg Planetarium (France, A. Acker, professionals and amateurs)
"Sonne" journal, Vereinigung der Sternfreunde (VdS), D.~Staps (Germany, amateur organisation)
Linz AG, H. Raab (Austria, amateur organisation)
Eclipse 99 Committee, M. Marik (Hungary, association of professional astronomers)
Timisoara Observatory, (Romania, local site, professional)
Istanbul University (Turkey, professional)
Kandilli Observatory (Turkey, professional)
Euroeclipse 99 Project (USA, San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers, amateur organisation)
Eclipse Astronomy Student Camp in Hungary
Thomas Hockey's Astronomy Field Trip page for the August 1999 Eclipse
Fred Espenak's Web Page for the February 1999 annular solar eclipse
Eclipse cruise out of New York City