NATO Advanced Study Institute

Advances in Solar Research at Eclipses, from Ground and from Space

Bucharest, Romania August 9 - 20, 1999

Organizing Committee :

Madga Stavinschi (Romania, co-director), Jean-Paul Zahn (France, co-director), Petr Heinzel (Czech Republic), Zadig Mouradian (France), Jay Pasachoff (USA).

The goal of this Institute is to present the most recent results in solar physics which have been obtained from ground, from space and during eclipses, at the location - Bucharest - where the last total eclipse of the millennium has its maximum duration.

The ASI is aimed at scientists of postdoctoral level who wish to learn of recent developments, but it will not exclude students who are about to obtain a PhD. The two first days will be devoted in part to preparing the observation of the eclipse; the lectures will be given by leading specialists in the field.

There will be no living expenses nor registration fee at the charge of the participants, and a number of travel grants are available for those who have insufficient support from their home institution.

Lectures and lecturers (in chronological order)

Magda Stavinschi                      
(Astronomical Institute, Bucharest, Romania)    
  	Earth orbit and theory of eclipses

Jay Pasachoff                                 
(Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., USA)    
	The observation of solar eclipses 
	What eclipses have taught us about the Sun

Pierre Mein                           
(Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France)         
        Inversion of spectral lines: 
        fine structures and prominences (2)
Suzy Collin-Zahn                      
(Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France)         
        Radiation processes in LTE and non-LTE

Pierre Cugnon                         
(Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Belgium)       
        The solar corona (2)

Yutaka Uchida                         
Science University, Tokyo, Japan)               
        Observing the Sun from outer space (2)

Petr Heinzel                          
(Ondrejov Observatory, Czech Republic)          
        Models of the solar atmosphere (2)

Zadig Mouradian                       
(Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France)         
        Solar activity (2)

Georgeta Maris                        
(Astronomical Institute, Bucharest, Romania)    
        Extension of coronal structures into the heliosphere

Iraida Kim                            
(Sternberg Institute, Moscow, Russia)           
        Observing the solar magnetic field (2)
Eric Priest                           
(University of St. Andrew, Edimborough, UK)     
        The solar magnetic field

Wojciech Dziembowski                  
(Copernic Institute, Warsaw, Poland)            
        Sounding the solar interior (2)

Andre Mangeney                        
(Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France)         
        Magnetosphere and solar wind (2)

Henk Spruit                           
(Max-Planck Inst. fur Astrophysik, Garching, Germany) 
        Solar dynamo (2)

Jean-Paul Zahn                        
(Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France)
        Physics of the solar interior
        Theory of solar rotation


Last Name:                      First Name:

Date of birth:



Present position/ occupation:

Institution/ laboratory/ observatory:

Telephone:                      Fax:


Do you need financial support for your travel expenses?

Amount requested (in US$):

Please join a brief CV with your list of publications, and ask 
at least one senior colleague or professor for a reference letter. 

Send to 

        Dr. Magda Stavinschi,
                Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy
                Str. Cuticul de Argint 5
                RO-75212 Bucharest, Romania 
                tel: +401 335 68 92
                tel/fax: +401 337 33 89

or preferably by e-mail at    

The deadline for application has been extended to April 30.