Updates and Errata
A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets

Errata after the Fourth Printing

p. 188, line 7 of paragraph 2, "solar panels" should be "antennae." The same change goes in line 2 of the caption of Fig. 5-70. See http://www.satobs.org/iridium.html#flare. Thanks to Larry Korkowski (ski@montana.com) for this correction.

p. 34 Fig. 2-9, the caption says that we are looking at the Belt region but we are looking at the Sword.

p. 218 (Caldwell) C6 or NGC 6543 is in Draco, not Cassiopeia.

p. 245 (iota) Trianguli mentioned on on p. 244 paragraph 5, but not labelled on Atlas Chart 9 on p. 245, since it is too faint.

p. 246 At end of the first paragraph it should say "(see fig. 6-2 and appendix 8)" instead of "(see fig. 6-1 and appendix 7)."

p. 246 NGC 1220 mentioned in the 4th paragraph is not on the corresponding Atlas Chart 10 or 2 because it is too faint.

p. 248 M36 is labeled twice. M38 is left off. This was corrected by the second printing.

p. 248 IC 405 and IC 410 are mentioned in the text but are not charted on Atlas Chart 11. IC 410 is the faint nebula that surrounds NGC 1893.

p. 250 On Atlas Chart 12, NGC 2419 in Lynx is charted as a galaxy. It is a globular cluster.

p. 253 On Atlas Chart 13, NGC 2419 in Lynx is charted as a galaxy. It is a globular cluster.

p. 254 Paragraph 4 The callout for Fig. 7-14 of Leo would be better elsewhere on the page.

p. 257 Atlas Chart 15, galaxy NGC 4564 within the border of the open cluster Mel 111 closest to the North Galactic Pole should be NGC 4565. NGC 4564 is in the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies near M58.

p. 270 NGC 7296 is mentioned at the end of paragraph 5 and a location is given relative to (beta) Lacertae but NGC 7296 is not charted because it is too faint.

p. 277 On Atlas Chart 23 a star is mislabeled. There are two (beta) Eridani. The spectral type A (blue) star at the left edge on the border with Orion is correct. At the bottom center, the spectral type M,N,R,S(red), labeled (beta) Eridani also,is incorrect. This is (gamma) Eridani.
This has already been corrected.

p. 291 Atlas Chart 27A, directly to the right of (epsilon) Virginis, you will find two NGC 4762's side-by-side. The galaxy on the right is NGC 4754, the galaxy on the left is NGC 4762.

p. 294 Paragraph 1, you are told to look "slightly northwest of the naked-eye star 5 Serpentis." It is not labeled on the chart, but it is the spectral type F (green) double star that covers the bottom left of the M5 symbol.

p. 294 Paragraph 2, "M12(NGC 6218) lies about 3 degrees northwest of M10 and is a bit larger". On Atlas Chart 29 M10 is larger than M12. M10's diameter is 15.1, M12's is 14.5. M10 is larger than M12.

p. 296 Atlas Chart 30, NGC 5672 should be NGC 6572

p. 296 M11 is found in Fig. 5-23, not Fig. 5-24.

p. 318 IC 4603 mentioned at the end of paragraph 2 is not labelled on Atlas Chart 41. IC 4604 and 4606 are plotted on the chart.

p. 320 Paragraph 4, H12 "the richest part of this group, with about 200 stars." It is labelled as Tr 24 on Atlas Chart 41.

p. 320 IC 4628 mentioned in Paragraph 4 is not labelled on Atlas Chart 41.

p. 323 Fig. 7-42: note that the Trifid is at upper right, appearing faintly.

p. 562: update URL for the American Meteor Society to www.amsmeteors.org

Errata from previous printings

(these errata have all been corrected in the forth printing)

p. 4, "How to Use this Book," 2nd line: "figures 3 and 4" should be "figures 4 and 5."

p. 4, last line on page, "chapter 4" should be "chapter 5."

p. 8: Fomalhaut is incorrectly listed as not being visible from mid-northern latitudes. [Thanks to Jim Mullaney]

The p. 8 listing for the Fomalhaut correction should be p. 12.

p. 37, delete ", to the left on the photograph," for Procyon

p. 163 In the caption for M71, Fig. 5-27, it is stated that this globular is in Sagittarius. It is actually in Sagitta.

p. 167, the North America Nebula reference should be to Fig. 7-20, not Fig. 7-8.

p. 188 Purpose: update because of the bankruptcy of the Iridium satellite-phone project:

change second sentence of first full paragraph to: Between 1998 and 2000, a set of 66 working satellites plus 8 spares were aloft....

change two sentences later to: The system went bankrupt in 2000, and the satellites are being brought down, burning up in the atmosphere. The solar panels on the ones that are still aloft catch the sun from time to time.

p196, caption for 6-3 -- top/bottom are reversed

On page 209, at the end of the second paragraph, the first printing says: "Note that [theta] and [script phi] are alternative italic forms of lowercase theta.)" The second character should be a script theta, to match that shown at the bottom right of each Atlas Chart.

On p. 210, lines 9-10: correct "The line connecting stars is dotted" to "The line connecting stars stops short"

Page 210, under the heading of "Constellation," says, "The line connecting stars is dotted when a star that has traditionally been part of an asterism or constellation is no longer considered an official part of it; for example, one of the four stars marking the Great Square of Pegasus is really in the constellation Andromeda (see Atlas Charts 9 and 20)." This line was dotted in the third edition (black-and-white maps) but is solid in the fourth edition (color maps).

pp. 214-215 Table 10, Messier Catalogue. coordinates, which are wrong in SkyCat v2 (because of incorrect values given in the Lynga open-cluster catalogue):

M41, R.A., change 6 47.0 to 6 46.0
M44, Dec., change +19 59 to +19 46
M50, R.A., change 7 03.2 to 7 02.8
M67, R.A., change 8 50.4 to 8 51.4

(Roger Sinnott of Sky & Telescope points out these errors, wrong in volume 2 of their Sky Catalogue 2000 (because of incorrect values given in the Lynga open-cluster catalogue. They caught these errors when preparing the charts for the Millennium Star Atlas. In each case, a little clump of Hipparcos stars was very noticeably displaced from the computer-generated open-cluster symbol!)

p. 222 Purpose: correct typo in Caldwell catalogue list, an erratum that Patrick Moore has been battling for some time C89 should be NGC 6087, not NGC 6067

p. 228:
In atlas chart 1, NGC 225 is incorrectly labeled 255.

Atlas Chart 11 has 2 errors.
1) Both M36 and M38 are labeled "M36."
2) The RA scale at the bottom of the chart is incorrect, off by 1 hour (and disagreeing with the scale at the top of the chart!)

Throughout the Atlas Chart section, we are redoing the color for the deep-sky objects so that the objects show up better under the red lights typically used for observing.

p. 236, paragraph 2, third sentence: change "g" to "80."

p. 242: The Dumbbell Nebula is bright enough to be seen in binoculars, and is easily visible in light-polluted skies or bright moonlight in the smallest of telescopes. [Thanks to Jim Mullaney]

p. 244: The statement that Gamma ARI "is one of the most beautiful doubles in the sky, with contrasting orange and green (actually greenish-blue) components" refers to Gamma AND. Gamma ARI is a beautifully matched pair of bluish-white stars significantly fainter than Gamma AND. The "orange and yellow" tints mentioned apply to neither pair. [Thanks to Jim Mullaney]

pp. 249, 251 = Atlas Charts 11, 12
The galactic equator longitude of 170 is duplicated, so should read 170, 180, 190 instead of 170, 170, 180 (near 6h, +20 degrees). On the first printing, the r.a. axis at the bottom of Atlas Chart 11 was incorrect. It should be 4h, 5h, 6h.

p. 252 Atlas Chart 23: The star Gamma Eri is mislabelled as Beta Eri

p. 254 facing Atlas Chart 14, third paragraph, first line, the Greek letter for xi is shown incorrectly as chi rather than xi; it is correct on the chart.

p. 262, third paragraph, for Albireo, change "orange and blue" to "yellow and green," to match Table 7.

p. 270: Alpha Herculis is unfortunately overlooked as one of the finest doubles in the sky for small glasses (reddish-orange and greenish-blue). [Thanks to Jim Mullaney]

p. 274: The statement concerning the Saturn Nebula that "Small telescopes show it as only starlike" is not true. One of the most obvious members of its class, its elongated disk is easily visible even at 30X to 50X in 3- and 4-inch apertures. [Thanks to Jim Mullaney]

p. 276, Hyades is misspelled in the title: "Atlas Chart 23, Aldebaran, Haydes."

p. 278, Atlas Chart 24, Orion Nebula, 2nd paragraph, 2nd line, the Orion's belt asterism is in Figure 2-8, not 2-9.

p. 292: No mention of the vivid emerald-green companion is made in describing Antares. Visible in 4- and 5-inch scopes under good conditions, it's perhaps the finest of all double stars for larger apertures (12-inches and up). [Thanks to Jim Mullaney]

p. 296: In the "semiglobular" M11, the Wild Duck Cluster in Scutum, its stars are easily separated all the way into its glittering center at 45X to 50X in a 4-inch refractor. [Thanks to Jim Mullaney.]

p. 320, bottom The correct right ascension for Kepler's supernova is 17h 30m.

p. 387, 3rd paragraph, line 4, "p. 131" should be "p. 13."

p. 396, line 6: Purpose: July 31 at 2 am UT is July 30 in local time on the US West coast. change "July 31" to "July 30 in Pacific time"

Line 3 of p. 459: Purpose: the definition of short-period comets has changed. 30 years (changed in 1999 from 200 years), are sequentially numbered.

p. 418, 2nd paragraph, line 10, "sky-1/4 the diameter of the full moon" should be "sky-1/40 the diameter of the full moon."

p. 464: Purpose: The NEAR spacecraft, renamed to honor Eugene Shoemaker, is in orbit around the asteroid Eros and is sending back magnificent photos.

change the last sentence of the second paragraph after Table 19 to: The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous spacecraft (NEAR Shoemaker) was in orbit around Eros (fig. 12-3).

and substitute the following Eros image for 12-3 on p. 466 http://near.jhuapl.edu/iod/20000322/

Caption: The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous spacecraft (NEAR Shoemaker) went into orbit around 433 Eros, 33 km long, on February 14, 2000, Valentine's Day. It carries not only cameras but also devices to measure the chemical composition of Eros's surface. The stripes of material it photographed apparently means that Eros was once part of a body large enough to melt internally.

p. 473 The URL for the American Meteor Society should be www.amsmeteors/org.

p. 473, it would be useful to add a new paragraph at the end: "The shortwave station WWV, which provides time signals, broadcasts at 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz."

amsmeteors/org should be amsmeteors.org

p. 488, line 5: there is a double )) after Madagascar (Morombe))

p. 489, under Partial solar eclipses, change July 31, 2000, to "July 30, 2000, Pacific time) [July 31 is correct in UT, but not in local time]

p. 505, the last sentence should say "6-inch (15-cm)"

p. 512, Appendix 1, the translation for Aquarius should be "water bearer," not "water beaver"

p. 515, Appendix 2, Polaris's line should be in bold (line -6), since it is a navigational star.

p. 519, lines -2 and -3, the lambdas should be gammas.

p. 527, appendix 3 Capella should be G5, not G8

p. 534, Orbital Properties of the Planets, the semimajor axis should be 10 with a superscript "6," not "106."

p. 577 replace index entry for "transits, 11, 385" with

transits (meridian), 11, 385
transits (across solar disk)
Mercury, 408, 443, 444
Venus, 404, 437, 437

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