@BOOK{Hardy, AUTHOR = "G. H. Hardy", TITLE = "Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy; Including Joint Papers with J. E. Littlewood and Others", PUBLISHER = "Oxford University Press", YEAR = "1966" } @BOOK{Nathanson, AUTHOR = "Melvyn B. Nathanson", TITLE = "Additive Number Theory : the Classical Bases", CHAPTER = "4,5,8,A", PUBLISHER = "Springer", YEAR = "1996" } @BOOK{Vaughn, AUTHOR = "R. C. Vaughn", TITLE = "The Hardy-Littlewood Method", PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press", YEAR = "1997" } @MISC{Miller, AUTHOR = "Steven J. Miller", TITLE = "The Circle Method and Germain Primes", NOTE = "http://math.nyu.edu/Courses/V63.0393/classnotes/nyuGermainSJM.ps", YEAR = "2002" } @MISC{MillerPos, AUTHOR = "Steven J. Miller", TITLE = "Notes on Constructing Transcendentals and Poissonian Behavior", NOTE = "http://math.nyu.edu/Curses/V63.0393/classnotes/notess.ps", YEAR = "2002" } @MISC{Agrawal, AUTHOR = "Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal, Nitin Saxena", TITLE = "Primes in P", NOTE = "http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/manindra/primality.ps", YEAR = "2002" }