Math 10: LQWURGXFWLRQ WR FUBSWRJUDSKB: Additional comments related to material from the class. These additional remarks are for your enjoyment. These are just meant to suggest additional topics worth considering, and I am happy to discuss any of these further.
Thursday, January 24. Cryptography is a vast subject, and any introduction as brief as ours has to omit nearly as many topics as it covers. If there are items you are interested in pursuing further which we didn't touch upon, please let me know and I'm happy to send some readings.
Tuesday, January 22. Today we got to see some of the biggest items in cryptography.
Wikipedia's page:
History of RSA:
20 years of attacks on RSA: Dan Boneh, Notices of the AMS, February 1999, 203-213:
RSA factoring challenge:
Hamming's work:
Hamming code (click here for the (7,4) code)
Hamming codes are related to sphere packing.
Thursday, January 15. We covered a lot of material today. Below are some quick links to read further.
Fermat's little Theorem: we proved this by a direct argument, but a more general result holds:
W. R. Alford, A. Granville, C. Pomerance (1994). There are infinitely many Carmichael numbers.
Diffie-Hellman key exchange (has the paint example).
Tuesday, January 15. Welcome back! Today we did a quick overview of some of the key mathematical ingredients for the course, namely groups and combinatorics.
As always, a good place to start is Wikipedia's group theory entry. A wonderful example is the Rubik's cube.
The key combinatorial item was the binomial coefficient (a key application is the binomial theorem, which is related to Pascal's triangle). We also saw the factorial function (and the double factorial function). There's a beautiful theory that allows us to approximate n! quite well for n large, which leads to Stirling's formula.
We saw the method of storytelling was very powerful, and allowed us to solve some hard combinatorial problems quickly. Try the following: Show \( \sum_{k=0}^n \left({n \atop k} \right) \left( {n \atop n-k} \right) \ = \ \left( {2n \atop n}\right)\).
Here are some good handouts on the Enigma / Ultra, as well as WWII:
Solving the Enigma:
The mathematics of the Enigma:
How mathematicians helped win the war:
Finally, here are some pics of me with an Enigma machine:
Thursday, January 3. Welcome to the class! We covered a lot of topics today. Below are links to additional reading about some of them.
Horner's algorithm: fast evaluation of polynomials. This is important in fractal computations. One of the earliest examples was the Genesis Wave in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (the music in this video is not from the movie!)
Operation Fortitude: the 'fake' landing at Calais.
The Battle of Midway: My favorite part is how we figured out the target was Midway (click this link).
Babylonian mathematics: There's an even better way to multiply then I covered; click here. The idea here is the precursor to the look-up tables we use daily. Click here for more on base 60.
\(\pi\) versus \(\tau\): the \(\tau\) manifesto and the \(\pi\) manifesto.