Journal of Number Theory:
Common issues in proofs/disproofs of major conjectures
As a service to mathematicians working on proofs or disproofs of major conjectures and problems, we are collecting a set of errors or gaps in arguments that have occured in many attempts. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but instead to serve as a warning on the challenges of these topics. Additional items to add? Email
General comments (see the links below for items related to
certain problems)
Clearly state
what your main idea is. Why do you think you are able to succeed when so many
others have failed? What is the key insight?
Some authors
introduce new notions and then they use them in their proofs. While the
statements of the great conjectures are ofter clear and simple, these
intermediate notions can be far less obvious. They must be rigorously and
clearly written in compatibility with the usual axioms of Mathematics. A
rigorous proof based on not well formed sets, functions etc. cannot be
considered as correct. Therefore, a manuscript based on notions which are not
well formed within the usual axioms of Mathematics will not be accepted and it
is the author's task, not the referee's, to carefully prepare this very
important part of the work. Remember you are writing a manuscript for others
to read, and your goal is to convince them of the correctness of your
approach. You cannot do this until you carefully and rigorously define your
Make sure when
you break into cases that your cases are exhaustive; they do not have to be
mutually exclusive but they must cover all possibilities.
Make sure the
conditions of a theorem are met before you use; do not use L'Hopital's rule
for example unless you know you have 0/0 or oo/oo.
Be careful
about introducing a lot of notation; authors sometimes forget that certain
notations they are using have conditions attached.
Try to prove
special cases. If you are trying to prove Fermat's Last Theorem, do your
argument in the special case when n=3 and n=7.
Make sure your
arguments are rigorous - if you are using words like "clearly", "obviously"
and so on that hides a needed step.
It is fine to
motivate arguments from real world systems (such as physics), but that is not
a proof.
These are
famous problems - familiarize yourself with the literature, see what others
have tried, what partial results they have.
These problems
are among the most important in mathematics, and have been open for decades to
millenia. They have stubbornly resisted attack.
If you are
able to prove one of these, try your hand at proving a weaker result and
submitting that to another journal for comments.
When you
integrate by parts, make sure you include all boundary terms.
Be careful
interchaning limits, taking limits, .... Respect the limit laws.
evidence is not the same as a theoretical proof.
on specific problems.