Invitation letter


We invite you and students at your institution to participate in the AMS Special Session on Research by Undergraduates and Students in Post-Baccalaureate Programs, Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, held at Boston College. The conference will take place next spring, April 6 – April 7 2013

Undergraduate students and students in postbac programs are invited to present their research at this conference.  Beginning graduate students may also submit abstracts however preference will be given to undergraduates and postbac students as the title of the meeting suggests.  It is expected that presentations will be about original results from research related to summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates, senior theses, or other research projects, rather than being general surveys.  The deadline for submitting abstracts and project information is December 20th 2013; shortly after that we will select talks and notify everyone. 

Submissions are accepted online at

This is an exciting opportunity for students to gain experience in giving research talks, to exchange ideas, and to meet fellow mathematicians.  We are looking forward to a fun, thought provoking session this April, and we are excited to begin reading student applications!   

Please feel free to forward this invitation to other students or anyone else who might be interested.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:,

or go to: for more information.


Alexandra Femia (College of the Holy Cross)

Stephanie Ger (Boston College)

Weifan Liu (WPI)

Amy Nesky (Boston College)

Lisa Piccirillo (Boston College)

Kirk Swanson (Williams College)




Professor Chi-Keung Cheung (Boston College)

Professor David Damiano (College of the Holy Cross)

Professor Steven J Miller (Williams College)

Professor Suzanne Weekes (WPI)