--COMMENCEMENT 2012, Susan Dunn's conversation with New York Times columnist David Brooks

-- LEAD 285 and POLI SCI 285 The Revolutionary
Generation: Galaxy of Leaders

The American Revolution produced a galaxy of brilliant
politicians and statesmen of extraordinary courage,
intellect, creativity, and character. They succeeded in
drafting an unparalleled Constitution and establishing
enduring democratic political institutions while
nevertheless failing to grapple with the wrenching issue of
slavery and the rights of women. In this course, we will
explore the lives, ideas, and political leadership of these
men, most of whom belonged to the social elite of their day:
Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and
Hamilton. We will study in depth their superb writings and
also read recent interpretations of the founding generation
by Gordon Wood, Joseph Ellis, Edmund Morgan, and others.

--- LEAD 402
The Art of Presidential Leadership

In this seminar, we will focus on the leadership of
some of the greatest American presidents--Washington,
Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt --
as well as some of the most controversial-- Lyndon Johnson
and Richard Nixon. We will investigate how these presidents
developed as leaders before as well as after their election
to the presidency. How did they determine their goals,
assemble their leadership teams, and mobilize followers?
What challenges did they face and what principles guided them?
What kind of character, intellect, skill, and talent are required
of presidents? Can we relate these historical examples to the
American presidency today? Readings will include correspondence,
speeches, biographies, and political analysis.

--- LEAD 212 and HISTORY 393
Sister Revolutions in France and America

In the late 18th century, two revolutions burst forth-- they
were the most striking and consequential events in modern
history, decisive turning-points that transformed society and
politics. This course takes an interdisciplinary approach
to the study of the overarching ideas and visions of the
sister revolutions. Through works of literature,
correspondence, political essays and speeches, we will seek
to understand the fundamental goals and accomplishments of
both revolutions. We will read works by Rousseau,
Robespierre, Saint-Just, Tocqueville, Victor Hugo, Edmund
Burke, Thomas Paine, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton,
Thomas Jefferson, and others.

--- LEAD 325
Roosevelt Style of Leadership

In this course we will study the lives, ideas, visions and, above all, the political and moral leadership of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. The three Roosevelts transformed the role of government in American society, bringing about fundamental and lasting change. What were their leadership strategies and styles? Did they mobilize followers or did their followers mobilize them? How did they balance political compromise with bold, principled leadership? How did their personalities affect their visions and their goals? To what extent did they offer ethical and moral leadership? In addition to studying histories and biographies, we will do extensive research in primary source material.
Format: Seminar.