the making of the Réal.
The following pages are a sampling of some of the conversations, ideas,
and elements that went into (and out of) the making of The Réal.

Of course, no background materials are as important as the people who
made The Réal what it is.

If you've already played with The Réal, you might find some of the written
notes and early e-mail exchanges between José and Mark particularly
illuminating. You might also be amused by the evolution of the CD-ROM's
graphical elements and narrative structure.

Those of you who have never seen The Réal (and/or have no plans to see it!) might nonetheless get a good chuckle out of the hits and misses documented in this production notebook.

notebook sections

project descriptions

production notes

e-mail exchanges

character studies

shopping list

inside scoop

interface evolution

cutting room floor

fig. 1, actual diagram of production thought process