In this course we emphasize quantitative skills. You should read the book in detail and work the examples and problems in the book. Reading the material before the class will allow you get the most most out of the lectures. |
Links to the WEB |
Honor Code: THE WILLIAMS COLLEGE HONOR CODE APPLIES IN CHEMISTRY 102 to the quizzes, test, exam, and to your laboratory reports. You are encouraged to work together on problem sets and laboratory experiments, but submitted written work should be your own. You should acknowledge in writing any assistance you received from the literature, from other students, from Resource Center Tutors, or from Writing Workshop Assistants. A proper acknowledgement includes the full name and class year of a student colleague. Its not necessary to cite your class notes or conversation with a faculty member. Please consult Prof. Peacock-López if you have any questions regarding the honor code |
Some other Chemistry 102 |
Syllabus, When, Lab , Problem sets. |
Solutions to problem sets , Solution Quizzes, Solution Exams. |