CHEM 153
1.- You must wear goggles (protecting your eyes) at all times in Room MSL 245.
i) If you do not follow this procedure, the instructor will issue a warning.
ii) You will be warned only two times.
iii) The third time, the instructor will ask you to leave the room, and you will get an F for
the corresponding lab report.
2.- Prelab protocol are required.
i) Except for Experiments 2 and 3, you have to prepare a prelab protocol before coming to the laboratory in your lab notebook.
ii) Before starting the corresponding experiment, the instructor will check and initial your
iii) During the entire experiment, you will be required to follow you own protocol not
the Laboratory Manual.
iv) Two copies of the Laboratory Manual will be available for consultation only.
v) Photocopy of the original prelab protocol has to be attached to your final
laboratory report.
3.- The lab reports and worksheets are due one weeks after the day on which the experiment was performed.
i) The reports are to be written in a good literary style and should follow the Journal of Chemical Education format.
ii) Typing is preferred but not required.
iii) You will be allow 2 weeks of late reports without penalty:
Use this privilege wisely.
iv) Additional late reports will result in a loss of one full grade (B- > C-) per week.
v) Reports more than two weeks late will not be graded, but you are required to turn in all lab reports.
Lab Reports
Introduction: A theoretical background, short but meaningful.
Experimental Method
Results with tabular form presentation of the final experimental values of the important properties with error analysis.
Discussion and/or Questions
Data (Tables) & Figures will be attached at the end of the report