General Information
CHEM 155
Office hours: by appointment.
Lectures: Monday,
Wednesday and Friday 8:00am -
Room TCL 202.
Chemical Bonds: An Introduction to atomic and Molecular Structure, H. B. Gray, University Science, Sausalito, CA (1994).
Reference Book:
Principles of Modern Chemistry 5th Ed. D. Oxtoby, H. P. Gillis, N.H. Nachtrieb, Thomson, Brook/Cole, (2002).
Review Sessions:
Wednesday evening (7:30 pm - 9:00pm) in TCL 202.
Laboratories: Wednesday 1:00-5:00, Room MSL 245. Schedule TBA.
Chem 155 Laboratory experiments will be performed
every week, and attendance at each lab session is mandatory.
If it is necessary for you to be absent from regular lab period, you
must contact Prof. Peacock in ADVANCED. You must complete all the laboratory assignments in order to
pass the course. You will not
be allowed to take the final exam if you have not do so.
Examinations: There will be two hour exams held on the following dates:
Problem Sets &Lab Reports:
Several problem sets will be assigned during the course
of the semester. Students may collaborate on problem sets and share the work
of data analysis in laboratory experiments. The written material, however, is expected to be the work of
a single student.
Honor Code:: Handing in a problem
set implies that the answers are your own. All assistance received from fellow students should be acknowledged.
The data given in your laboratory report must be the data that you
(and your partner) collected in the laboratory.
Reference to all literature explicitly used in problem sets and laboratory
reports must be properly noted. Copying
materials written by students who had completed Chem 155 in a previous year,
or the use of any Solution Manuals, or the use of the Internet would be a
violation of the Honor Code. If you are uncertain how the Honor Code
applies to your work course, please see either of the instructors.
Computers: Students
are encouraged, but by no means required, to take advantage of the personal
computers at Williams for word processing, data analysis, data presentation,
and problem solving.
Other: Students with disabilities
who may need disability-related classroom accommodation for this course are
encourage to speak with either of the instructors as soon as possible and
to contact the Dean's office at X4262 to ensure that accommodation are provided
in a timely manner.