Chemistry 361
Physical Chemistry: Structure and Dynamics
Lab Program
Experiment 1: Absorption Spectra of Conjugated Molecules - Lab setup.
Experiment 1: Lab Instructions
Experiment 2: The Kinetics of the Acid-Catalyzed Bromination of Acetone- Lab setup
Experiment 2: Lab Instructions
Experiment 3: X-ray and Electron Diffraction of Aluminum- Lab setup
Experiment 9: Stopped-Flow Kinetics - Lab setup
Experiment 9: Lab Instructions
Experiment 11 Introduction to Web MOExperiment 12: MATHEMATICA calculations
Experiment 14 Modeling Nonlinear Kinetics
Groups: GA, GB
Lab Rotation F04
Exp 0 |
Exp 1 |
Exp 2 |
Exp 3 |
Exp 9 |
Exp 11 | Exp 12 | Exp 14 | ||
September | |||||||||
Wednesday 13 |
Wednesady 20 |
ALL | ||||||||
Wednesday 27 | ALL | ||||||||
October | |||||||||
Wednesday 4 |
A |
Wednesday 11 | B | ||||||||
November | |||||||||
Wednesady 1 |
Wednesday 8 |
Wednesday 29 |
December | |||||||||
Wednesday 6 |
Students are free to discuss with each other the laboratory reports, but the written material must be your own. The data given in your laboratory report must be the data that you ( and your partner) collected in the laboratory. References to all literature explicitly used in the laboratory reports must be properly noted.
The written reports should be organized approximately as follows
I. Introduction: This section should contain a clear description, in your own words, of the purpose of the experiment with background material sufficient to place the purpose in context. Based on your results you may want to raise certain questions to be answered by your experiment.
II. Theory: This section should be brief and may, in some cases, be combined with the Introduction. It is a summary, including equations, of what you expect to find as a result of your measurements. (maximum of 2 pages)
III. Data: This section should include all the relevant data in a clear and ordered format. Do not paste printed data from a software package. Instead, cut, organized, paste and photocopy the data.
IV. Error Analysis: This section should include the error analysis used to calculate any deviation from your experimental results.
V. Discussion: This section should explain any agreement and/or disagreement between theory, your experimental results and the literature results.
Maximum length 10 pages.