Animated Butterfly

Definition using ParametricPlot command


Color the butterfly

Show[Graphics[Table[{Hue[i ], Polygon @@ Map[# i&, butterfly[[1, 1, 1]], {-1}]}, {i, 1, 0.05, -0.05}]], AspectRatio→Automatic] ;


Show[Graphics[Table[{Hue[i/.15 ], Polygon @@ Map[# i&, butterfly[[1, 1, 1]], {-1}]}, {i, 1, 0.05, -0.05}]], AspectRatio→Automatic] ;


Define now as a delay function

colorbutt[n_] := Show[Graphics[Table[{Hue[i/n ], Polygon @@ Map[# i&, butterfly[[1, 1, 1]], {-1}]}, {i, 1, 0.05, -0.05}]], AspectRatio→Automatic] ;

Consider a series of figure, and click on the outer bracket and animate by going to Cell nenu and select
Animate Seleceted Graphics

Table[colorbutt[n], {n, 6., .15, -.025}] ;


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