px and py

We start by defining the  p orbitals

ParametricPlot3D[ {r3dpy[theta , phi ] Sin[ theta ] Cos[ phi ],
r3dpy[theta , phi ] Sin[ theta ] Sin[ phi ],
r3dpy[theta , phi ] Cos[ theta ]}, { theta, 0, Pi },
{ phi, 0 , 2 Pi },
ViewPoint->{4.000, 4.000, 1.530} , Boxed -> False,
AspectRatio -> Automatic,PlotPoints→100];


ParametricPlot3D[ {r3dpx[theta , phi ] Sin[ theta ] Cos[ phi ],
r3dpx[theta , phi ] Sin[ theta ] Sin[ phi ],
r3dpx[theta , phi ] Cos[ theta ]}, { theta, 0, Pi },
{ phi, 0 , 2 Pi },
ViewPoint->{4.000, 4.000, 1.530} , Boxed -> False,
AspectRatio -> Automatic];


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