
figure1 = ParametricPlot3D[
{dz2[θ,φ] Sin[θ] Cos[φ],
dz2[θ,φ] Sin[θ] Sin[φ],
dz2[θ,φ] Cos[θ]},
{θ,0, π}, {φ, -π, π},
ViewPoint->{1.696, 1.670, 0.857},PlotPoints->25,AspectRatio -> Automatic,PlotLabel->"3d\!\(z\^2\)",Boxed->False,Axes->False,PlotRange->{{-.65,.65},{-.65,.65},{-.65,.65}} ];

    Notice that the orbital aligns along the z-axis.  Look at the middle section in more detail, by considering φ from 0 to π.

Figure3 = Plot[SphericalHarmonicY[2, 0, θ π, 0], {θ, 0, 1}, Frame→True, FrameLabel→ {θ/π, dz^2}, RotateLabel→False] ;

Problem 4. - Plot the fz2 orbital associated with l=3.
Hint: you may want to define the orbital as the absolute value of the Spherical Harmonic.  To do this use the Abs[function] command.  Why?


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