Brute Force Calculation of the trace's zeros

Numerator of the trace of R for the Tempaltor


First we include a01 and bss and calculate the numerator of the trace of R as a function of the parameters


We check the result in the limit of the Minimal Template


Notice again the spaces, and again we do the simplification by hand


Notice the (-1) from the denominator !!!!!  Also, the spaces in the output could give you some problem if you just cut and paste in the definition of a function

Again we check agains the Minimal Templator


We try some simbolic algebra


In the limit of the Minimal Templator


The whole numerator


One more time checking agains the Minimal Templator


Definition of functions.  The choice has no particular reason.  These definitions seemed to work with MATHEMATICA, which has some problemes simplifying



some values of the function c00 and c01 that give us the same sign as the trace of R


We really do not need to do this.


Converted by Mathematica      November 14, 2000