co-authors in bold face)
Enrique Peacock-López
PROFESSOR 2002 – Present
73 A Peptide-Based Oscillator, Dharm Dev, Nathaniel Wagner, Bapan Pramanik, Bhawna Sharme, Indrajit Maity, Rivka Cohen-Luria, Enrique Peacock-Lopez, Gonene Ashkenazy, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. submitted (2023)
72 Cycles, Cycles, Cycles and their Relevance in Physical Chemistry, E. Peacock-López, J The Chemical Educator d, submitted (2023)
71 Nonlinear Chemical Dynamics: Catalytic Surface Oxidation, Russell G. Blakey, Lesly Mejia, E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator, submitted (2023)
70 Dynamic differences between minimal models of first and second-order
chemical self-replication, Lauren A. Moseley, E. Peacock-López, Dynamics, 3,
425–443 (2023)(19 pages) dynamics3030023
69 Chemical Oscillations in Non-isothermal
Chemical Self-Replication, E.
Peacock-López, Chemical Physics, 573, 112010 (2023)(7 pages)
68 Dynamic Properties of a Self-Replicating Peptide
Network with Inhibition, Lucille G.
Gagnon, Maia E. Czaikowaski,
E. Peacock-López, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 225101 (2022)
(7 pages)doi: 10.1063/5.0119945
67 Complex Dynamics of Competitive First-Order Self-Replication, Anuj K. Shah, E. Peacock-López, in Chaos Theory - Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications, Ed., Mykhaylo Andriychuk, IntechOpen, London. (2022) (14 pages) doi:10.5772/intechopen.108378
66 On the Regulated Nuclear Transport of Incompletely Spliced mRNAs by
HIV-Rev Protein: A Minimal Dynamic
Model. Jeffrey J. Ishizuka, Delaney A. Soble, Tiffany Y. Chang, and Enrique Peacock-
López, Mathematics, 10:3922 (2022)(21 pages)
65 A modified Ricker map and its bursting
oscillations, M. A. Mazariego, , E. Peacock-López, CHAOS An Interdisciplinary
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32:13119
(2022) (11
pages) doi:10.1063/5.0058073
64 Chiral oscillations and spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking in a simple polymerization model, William Bock, E. Peacock-López, In: Asymmetry in Biological Homochirality, D. Hochberg, Editor, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (2021)(14 pages)
63 Chiral oscillations and spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking in a simple polymerization model, William Bock, E. Peacock-López, Symmetry, 12:1388 (2020)(14 pages) doi:10.3390/sym12091388
62 A delayed modified Ricker
map and its Cicada-type oscillations, E. Peacock-López, Physics Letters A, 384:126756
(2020)(7 pages)
61 A Dynamic Study of Biochemical Self-Replication, Desire T. Gijima, E. Peacock-López, Mathematics, 8:1042 (2020)(18 pages) doi:10.3390/math8661042
60 Complex Dynamics in a Minimal Model of Protection-based Mutualism, S. Swire, E. Pasipanodya, M., Morales, E. Peacock-López, Axioms, 9:26 (2020) (18 pages) doi:10.3390/axioms9010026
59 A chemically fueled non-enzymatic bistable network, Indrajit Maity, Nathaniel Wagner, Rakesh Mukherjee, E. Peacock-López, Rivka Cohen-Luria, Gonen Ashkenazy, Nature Communications, 10:4639 (2019). (9 pages) doi:10.1038/s41467-019-1245-0
58 Open Prebiotic Environments Drive Emergent Phenomena and Complex Behavior, Nathaniel Wagner, David Hochberg, Enrique Peacock-López, Indrajit Maity, Gonen Ashkenasy, Life, 9:45 (2019) (16 pages) doi:10.3390/life9020045
57 Parrondian games in discrete dynamic systems, S. A. Mendoza, E Peacock-López, in Fractal Analysis, Ed. Sid-Ali Ouadfeul, IntechOpen, London 9 (2019).(12 pages) doi:10.5772/intechopen.8149
56 Switching induced oscillations in one-dimensional maps S. A. Mendoza, E. Peacock-López, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 115, 35-44, (2018).(10 pages)
55 Parrondo's paradox or chaos control in discrete two-dimensional dynamic systems, S. A. Mendoza, E. W Matt, D R Guimaraes-Blandon, E. Peacock-López, Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals,106, 86-93, (2018).(8 pages)
54 Bistability and Bifurcation in Minimal Self-replication and Nonenzymatic Catalytic Networks, N. Wagner, R. Mukherjee, I. Maity, E. Peacock-López, and G. Ashkenasy, ChemPhysChem.,18, 1842-1850, (2017).(9 pages)
53 Seasonality and the Logistic Map, E.Silva, E. Peacock-López, Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals, 95, 152-156, (2017).(5 pages)
52 Coupled Oscillations and Circadian Rhythms in Molecular Replication Networks, N. Wagner, S. Alasibi, E. Peacock-López, and G. Ashkenasy, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,6, 60-65, (2015).(6 pages)
51 Complex dynamics in a modified Lotka-Volterra model with predator pairing, Syed Kashif Akhtar, Alison B. Peet and E. Peacock-López, Journal of Biological Systems, 20, 87-108 (2012). (22 pages)
50 Self-regulation in a minimal model of chemical self-replication, Sylvia J. Lou, and Enrique Peacock-Lopez, Journal of Biological Physics, 38, 349-364 (2012). (15 pages)
49 Switching induced complex dynamics in an extended logistic map, Erik A. Levinsohn, Steve A. Mendoza and E. Peacock-López, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 45, 426-432 (2012). (7 pages)
48 Seasonality as a Parrondian game, E. Peacock-López, Phys Lett. A 375, 3124-3129 (2011).(6 pages)
47 The one-dimensional particle in a finite and semi-infinite well revisited, E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator, 16, 168-174 (2011).(7 pages)
46 The relevance of cross-diffusion in the formation of Turing patterns, E. Peacock-López, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 15, 1-10 (2011) (10 pages)
45 Modeling square-wave pulse regulation, Sylvia J. Lou, Annaliese K. Beery, and E. Peacock-López, Dynamical Systems 25, 133-143 (2010). (11 pages)
44 Switching induced oscillations in the logistic map, Makisha P. S. Maier and E. Peacock-López, Phys Lett. A 374, 1028-1032 (2010). (5 pages)
43 Bifurcations, and temporal and spatial patterns of a modified Lotka-Volterra model, Edward A. McGehee, Noel Schutt, Desiderio A. Vasquez, and E. Peacock-López, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 18, 2223-2248 (2008) . (26 pages)
42 Bifurcation diagrams and Turing patterns in a chemical self-replicating reaction-diffusion system with cross-diffusion, Jessica M. Chung and E. Peacock-López, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 174903 (2007). (7 pages)
41 Cross-diffusion in the Templator model of chemical self-replication, Jessica M. Chung and E. Peacock-López, Phys. Lett. A 371, 41-47 (2007). (7 pages)
40 Chemical Oscillations: Two-variable Chemical Models, Katheleen M. Beutel and E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator 12, 224-235 (2007). (12 pages)
39 Complex dynamics in a cross-catalytic self-replication mechanism, Katheleen M. Beutel and E. Peacock-López, J. Chem. Phys. 126, 125104 (2007). (5 pages)
38 Exact solutions of the quantum double well potential, E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator 11, 383-393 (2006). (11 pages)
37 Chemical Oscillations and Turing patterns in a two-variable model of chemical self-replication, Katheleen M. Beutel and E. Peacock-López, Journal of Chemical Physics, 125, 024908 (2006). (8 pages)
36 Turing patterns in a Modified Lotka-Volterra Model, Edward A. McGehee and E. Peacock-López, Physics Letters A342, 90-98 (2005). (9 pages)
35 An introduction to Turing patterns in nonlinear chemical kinetics, Edward A. McGehee and E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator, 10 84-94 (2005). (11 pages)
34. Complex dynamics in a three-level trophic system with intraspecies interaction, Alison B. Peet, Peter A. Deutsch and E. Peacock-López, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 232, 491-503 (2005). (13 pages)
33. Elements of nonlinear dynamics in chemical kinetics, Jeffrey I. Ishizuka, Hang Song and E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator, 9,152-151 (2004). (10 pages)
32. Ecological model of competitive species and the role of intraspecies interaction in the formation of spatio-temporal patterns. E. Peacock-López, WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, 1, 76-81 (2004). (6 pages)
31.On the Problem of the Exact Shape of Orbitals, E. Peacock-López , The Chemical Educator, 8, 96-101 (2003). (6 pages)
La Bufadora, Ensenada, Baja California Norte, México. Courtesy of Allison Kopelman'97
Laberithm-1 and Laberithm-2 from Templator's reaction diffusion analysis.
Peacock attractor from QPL model of the Complemet's alternative pathway
30. Carnot cycle revisited, E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator, 7, 127-131 (2002). (5 pages)
29. Chemical Oscillations: The Templator Model, E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator, 6, 202-2092 (2001). ( (8 pages)
28. Introduction to chemical oscillations using a modified Lotka model, E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator, 5, 216-222 ((2000). (7 pages)
27. Turing patterns in a self-replicating mechanism with a
self-complementary template, L. L. Tsai, G. R. Hutchison and E. Peacock-López, J.
Chem. Phys., 113, 2003-2006 (2000). (4 pages)
26. Dynamic model of hormonal systems coupled by negative feedback, C. H. Londergan and E. Peacock-López, Biophys. Chem. 73, 85-107, (1998). (23 pages)
25. Mixed-mode oscillations in a self-replicating dimerization mechanism, E. Peacock-López, D. B. Radov and C. S. Flesner, Biophys. Chem. 65, 171-178, (1997). (8 pages)
24. Steady state approximation in the minimal model of the alternative pathway of complement, E. Juang and E. Peacock-López, Biophy. Chem. 65, 143-156, (1997). (14 pages)
23. Chaos in a minimal model of the alternative pathway of the complement system, E. Peacock-López and K. L. Queeney, Biophys. Chem. 63, 167-183 (1997). (17 pages)
22. Chemical Oscillations in Enzyme Kinetics, K. L. Queeney, E. Marin, C. M. Campbell and E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator, 1, August, (1996). (17 pages)
21. Effect of Linear Reinsertion of Receptors on the Distribution of Receptors Around Coated Pits, E. Peacock-López, Biophys. Chem. 46, 261-271 (1993).(11 pages)
20. Complex Dynamics in a Minimal Model of the Alternative Pathway of the Complement, K. L. Queeney and E. Peacock-López, Biophy. Chem. 46, 101-115 (1993).(15 pages)
19. Phase Diagram for the Dye-Laser with saturation, E. Peacock-López, J. M. Parrondo and K. Lindenbeg, Phys. Lett. A172, 107-113 (1992).(7 pages)
18. Theoretical Model of LDL-Receptor Trapping on a Spherical Cell, M. W. Swartz and E. Peacock-López, Biophys. Chem. 44, 1-9 (1992). (9 pages)
17. Two-dimensional Reactive Systems: Rapid Bimolecular Processes on Spherical Surfaces, Swartz M. A. and Peacock- López, E., J. Chem. Phys. 95, 2727-2731 (1991).
16. The Dye-Laser with saturation and its Local Linearization, Parrondo, J.,M.;Peacock-López, E. and Lindenbeg, K., Phys. Lett. A151, 52-58 (1990). (7 pages)
15. A Theoretical Analysis of Dimerization on Spherical Particles, Swartz, M. W. and Peacock- López, E., in Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Vol. I, Whatley, K., M., Ed. 276-281, U. North Carolina, Ashville(1990) (6 pages)
14. Generalized Transport Theory and its Application to Binary Mixtures, Peacock-López, E. and Woodhouse, L., in Advances of Thermodynamics Vol 2: Fluctuation Theory of Mixtures, Ed., Mansoori, A. and Matteoli, E. 301-333, Taylor & Francis, New York (1990). (33 pages)
13. Comment on Bistability and Colored Noise in Nonequilibrium Systems: Theory versus Precise Numerics, Tsironis, G. P., Lindenberg, K., Peacock-López, E., and West, B. J., Phys.Rev. Lett. 63, 214 (1989). (1 page)
12. The Dye Laser with Saturation and its Best Fokker-Plank Equation, Peacock-López, E., de la Rubia, F. J., West, B. J, and Lindenberg, K., Phys. Rev. A39, 4026-4035 (1989). (10 pages)
11. On the Best Fokker-Plank Equation for Systems Driven by Color Noise, Peacock-López,, E., de la Rubia, F. J., West, B. J, and Lindenberg, K., . Phys. Lett. A136, 96-102 (1989). (7 pages)
10. Escape Over a Potential Barrier Driven by Colored Noise: Large but Finite Correlation Times, de la Rubia, F.J., Peacock-López,, E., Tsironis, G. P.,Lindenberg, K., Ramirez-Piscina, L. , and Sancho, J. M., Phys. Rev. A38, 3827-3829 (1988).(3 pages)
9. On the Relation Among Effective Fokker-Plank Equations for Systems Driven by Colored Noise, Peacock-López, E., West, B. J., and Lindenberg, K., Phys. Rev. A37, 3530-3535 (1988).(6 pages)
8. One Dimensional Reactive Systems: The Effect of Diffusion on Rapid Bimolecular Processes, Peacock-López, E. and Keizer J., J. Chem. Phys. 88, 1997-2003 (1988). (7 pages)
7. Energy Transport Effects on Rapid Bimolecular Chemical Reactions, Keizer, J. and Peacock-López, E., Physica A147, 61-76 (1987). (16 pages)
6. The Effect of Diffusion on the Trapping of Membrane-Bound Receptors by Localized Coated Pits, Peacock-López, E. and Ramirez, J., Biophys. Chem. 25, 117-125 (1986). (9 pages)
5. The Transient Flory Model and its Application to Catalytic Polymerization II. Peacock-López, E. and Lindenberg, K., J. Phys. Chem. 90, 1725-1732 (1986). (8 pages)
4. Hydrodynamic Calculation of Static Correlation Functions for Homogeneous Shear, Peacock-López, E. and Keizer, J. Phys.Lett. 108A, 85-90 (1985). (6 pages)
3. The Effect of Diffusion on the Binding of Membrane-Bound Receptors to Coated Pits, Keizer, J., Ramirez, J. and Peacock-López,, E., Biophys. J. 47, 79-88 (1985). (10 pages)
2. The Transient Flory Model and its Application to Catalytic Polymerization I., Peacock-López, E. and Lindenberg, K., J. Phys. Chem. 88, 2270-2275 (1984). (6 pages)
1. The Compensation Effect in Thermally Activated Processes, Peacock-López, E. and Suhl, H., Phys. Rev. B26, 3774-3782 (1982). (9 pages)
Work in progress
Chaos in a three-enzyme mechanism regulated by product inhibition, E. Peacock-López, Biophys. Chem, in preparation.
Complex dynamics in a system of chemical oscillators coupled by negative feedback, E. Peacock-López J. Chem. Phys., in preparation.