CV | Courses | Research
HIST 111: Movers and Shakers in the Middle East
HIST 207: The Modern Middle East
HIST 208: Encountering the Other? The Middle East and the West
HIST 310: Iraq and Iran in the Twentieth Century
HIST 311: The United Starch and the Middle East
HIST 408: Archaeology, Politics, and Heritage in the Middle East
HIST 476: Apocalypse Now and Then: A Comparative History of Millenarian Movements
Taught a winter-study travel course (Hist029) in January 2005, "Cool Iceland: The Art of Cultural Survival"
Thesis Students
Karl Naden '06. Oil and Superpower Rivalry in Iraq, 1910-1930
Zachary Ulman, '06. The Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin. Memory and History
Marissa Doran '05. "'Pulling teeth' : Energy and Crisis in the Carter era, 1976-1981"
Sarah Whitton, '05 "Fighting the Dead Hands of Sarah. Premillennialists, Arabs, and Islam from Balfour to Babylon"