Honors Thesis Students (1996 - 2007)

Majumder Atomic Physics Lab, Williams College

** student co-author -- see publications below

Thesis title
Current Activities, Degrees & Awards

Paul Hess '08

"Measurement of the indium 6P3/2 hypefine structure using two-step excitation"

applying to physics graduate school fall '07

Toby Schneider '07
second from left)

"Precision Phase Shift Spectroscopy of thallium"

Mechanical/Ocean Eng. Ph.D. program at MIT/ Woods Hole

Owen Simpson '07
right in this group shot)

"Atomic Spectroscopy in Thallium and Indium using Frequency Modulation "

Physics Ph.D. program at PRINCETON

Jared Strait '07
peering over his wavemeter)

"Vapor cell spectroscopy of indium using a 410 nm diode laser system "

Elec. Eng. Ph.D. program at CORNELL

David Butts '06
left-most student)

"Differential Phase Shift Spectroscopy of the 1283 nm Transition in Atomic Thallium "

Aero/Astro Eng. Ph.D. program at MIT

Joe Kerckhoff '05**
middle, front of group shot)

"Towards the Measurement of a T-odd, P-even Interaction in the 6P1/2 - 6P3/2 1283 nm Transition in Atomic Thallium"

Physics Ph.D. program at STANFORD

Colin Bruzewicz '05**
right-most student in group shot)

"Phase shift Spectroscopy of the 6P1/2 - 6P3/2 M1 Transition in a Thallium Atomic Beam"

Physics Ph.D. program at YALE

Mark Burkhardt '04
picture w/poster, Aug '03)

"Measuring the Two-Step 6P1/2 - 7S1/2 - 7P1/2 378 nm/1301 nm Transition in Atomic Thallium"

Physics Ph.D. program at STANFORD

Chris Holmes '03
far left of this group shot)

"Frequency Modulation Spectroscopy of the 'Forbidden' M1/E2 1283 nm Transition in Thallium"

Atmospheric Sciences Ph.D. program at HARVARD

M. Phil. in Hist./Phil. of Science, Cambridge Univ., UK


Charlie Doret '02 **


" Precise Measurement of the Stark Shift in thallium 6P1/2 - 7S1/2 378 nm Transition "


Physics Ph.D. program at HARVARD

Goldwater Fellowship (2001)

WINNER !! APS Apker Award (2002) 

Paul Friedberg '01 **
(front right)


"Measuring the Stark Shift in the 6P1/2 - 7S1/2 378 nm Transition in Atomic Thallium"


Elec. Eng. Ph.D. program at UC BERKELEY

Goldwater Fellowship (2000)
Dept. of Defense Graduate Fellowship (2001)

Andrew Speck '00 **
(back right)


"Measuring the Stark shift in the Thallium 6P1/2 - 7S1/2 378 nm Transition"

Physics Ph.D. program at HARVARD

[Ph.D. completed 2005]
Junior Fellow at Harvard Rowland Institute

Rob Lyman '99 **


"Precise Spectroscopy of the Thallium 6P1/2 - 7S1/2 378 nm Transition"

J.D. U. VIRGINIA Law Schol

M.S. in physics at U. WASHINGTON


Peter Nicholas '98
2005 colloquium visit!)


"Design and Construction of an Atomic Beam Apparatus for Precise Spectroscopy of Thallium"


M.D./Ph.D. program at UNC Chapel Hill
(Ph.D. in medical imaging)


Leo Tsai '98 **
2005 colloquium visit!)


"Precise Measurement of the Electric Quadrupole Amplitude within the 6P1/2 - 6P3/2 Transition in Atomic Thallium"


M.D./Ph.D. program at HARVARD
(Ph.D: medical imaging - Harvard Phys, Dept.)

Goldwater Fellowship (1997).
Herschel Smith Fellowship (1998),
M.Phil, Cambrige Univ., UK (medical imaging).


Julie Rapoport '97
far left) (5-yr reunion!)


"The Design, Construction, and Application of an Atomic Beam Apparatus"


Materials Eng. Ph. D. program at NORTHWESTERN

[completed 2003]
employed at Exponent, Inc. - Eng. consulting firm

Paul Boerner '96


"Construction of an Optical System for use in Precise Measurements of Thallium Atomic Structure"

Physics Ph.D. program at STANFORD

[completed 2005]
employed at Lockheed Martin solar astrophysics lab

Kyle Downey '96


" An Atom-Laser Interaction Region and Electromagnetic Structure Measurements in Atomic Thallium"


Founded software consulting company:

"Amber-Archer consulting"


" A frequency stabilization method for diode lasers utilizing low-field Faraday polarimetry ", J.A. Kerckhoff ('05), C.D. Bruzewicz ('05), R. Uhl, and P.K. Majumder, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 093108 (2005). pdf version (185 K).

" Measurement of the Stark shift within 6P1/2 - 7S1/2 378-nm transition in atomic thallium ", S.C. Doret ('02), P.D. Friedberg ('01), A.J. Speck ('00), D.S. Richardson, and P.K. Majumder, Phys. Rev. A 66, 052504 (2002). pdf version (632 K).

" Hyperfine splitting and isotope shift measurements within the 378 nm 6P1/2- 7S1/2 transition in 203Tl and 205Tl. " D.S. Richardson, R.N. Lyman ('99) and P.K. Majumder, Phys. Rev. A 62, 012510 (2000). pdf version (300 K)

" Measurement of the electric quadrupole amplitude within the 1283-nm 6P1/2- 6P3/2 transition in atomic thallium," P.K. Majumder and Leo L. Tsai ('98), Phys. Rev. A 60, 267 (1999). pdf version (626 kB)