Monday and Thursday, 2:35pm--3:50pm, Wachenheim 113.
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to download the syllabus
Johnsonbaugh and Pfaffenberger,
Foundations of Mathematical Analysis.
Other references:
Calculus, 4th ed. by Spivak
is a masterpiece -- the exposition is extremely lucid, and the problems
are instructive, enjoyable, and frustrating all at once.
However, it does not discuss abstract metric spaces, which are an
important part of our course.
Introductory Real Analysis
by Kolmogorov and Fomin is a wonderful
text, co-authored by one of the titans of the 20th century.
It delves deeper into both the analytic and topological
aspects of the theory than we'll be able to this semester;
well worth exploring.
Principles of Mathematical
Analysis by Rudin -- aka ‘Baby Rudin’ -- is a classic text,
extremely terse and with notoriously slick proofs. Worth
looking at for a different take on the subject, but works best
after you've already seen the material.
A list of currently open problems by
Stefan Steinerberger. Most of these are analysis-related. I'm
happy to discuss any of these with you!
Office hours
Mondays 8:30pm-10pm in Goodrich,
Wednesdays 2-3:30pm in Wachenheim 337,
other times by appointment.
Precept schedule
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to view schedule