Is the random 3-regular (bipartite) graph Ramanujan? Tim Novikoff investigated, in several different

ways, the space of 3-regular bipartite graphs. An investigation of all 3-regular graphs is pending.


PAPER:    paper.tex        paper.dvi        paper.ps     paper.pdf


PROGRAMS:   Mother1.m    Mother3.m   motherAuto2.m    unrelatedCollect1.m

PROGRAMS:   Experiment1.m   Experiment2.m   Richter.m

PROGRAMS:   Exp1.mat   Exp2a.mat   Exp2b.mat   Richter.mat


EPS FILES: Figure1-Autocorrelation.eps    Figure2-swapMorph.eps    Figure3-swapNorm.eps

EPS FILES: Figure4-TracyWidom.eps   Figure5-uarMorph.eps   Figure6-uarNorm.eps

EPS FILES: Figure7-powerLaws.eps