Integrity Matters
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MLA Plagiarism Detection Exercise

The following questions present a passage from an article and a student's attempt to paraphrase or summarize the passage. Read both passages carefully and decide whether the student has plagiarized the scholar's writing. This exercise will help you determine whether you risk plagiarizing a source unintentionally.

Original Text

Page: 737

The early seasons of Buffy involve another formative male figure who is mysterious and potentially more powerful and knowledgeable than Buffy herself, the vampire Angel, who is cursed to goodness (given a soul) by Gypsies. By the second season, Buffy has become Angel's lover, thereby precipitating his fall into the soulless, evil Angelus, his true vampire/demon self, who remains obsessed with tormenting Buffy. She thus becomes the Eve-like temptress and seducer who precipitates his fall into hell—in fact she literally sends him there. In the episode where she shares with Angel her first sexual experience (on her sixteenth birthday), Buffy and Angel engage subsequently in a series of mean-spirited battles in which he attacks her verbally, emotionally, and finally physically.

Magoulick, Mary. "Frustrating Female Heroism: Mixed Messages in Xena, Nikita, and Buffy." Journal of Popular Culture 39 (2006): 729-55


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