- In review. Johnson, M.E. Limits of uniformitarianism as a guide to rocky-shore ecosystems in the geological record. In, Rudkin, D. (ed.), Proceedings of the GAC Special Session on Rocky Shorelines in the Geological Record - Paleobiological and Sedimentological Signatures, May 13, 2004, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper.
- In review. Eros, J.M., Johnson, M.E., and Backus, D.H. Rocky shores and developoment of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Arroyo Blanco basin on Isla Carmen in the Gulf of California, Mexico. In, Rudkin, D. (ed.), Proceedings of the GAC Special Session on Rocky Shorelines in the Geological Record - Paleobiological and Sedimentological Signatures, May 13, 2004, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper.
- In review. Levine, R., Baarli, B.G., and Johnson, M.E. Glacial and rocky-shore dynamics of the Karlebotn monadnocks: Late Neoproterozoic of northern Norway. In, Rudkin, D. (ed.), Proceedings of the GAC Special Session on Rocky Shorelines in the Geological Record - Paleobiological and Sedimentological Signatures, May 13, 2004, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper.
- In review. Baarli, B.G., Johnson, M.E. and Levine, R. An incised valley from the Neoproterozoic Smalfjord Formation, Finnmark, Northern Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology.
- In press. Johnson, M.E., Ledesma-Vázquez, J., and Baarli, B.G. Vertebrate remains on ancient rocky shores: A review with report on hadrosaur bones from the Upper Cretaceous of Baja California (México). Journal of Coastal Research.
- Johnson, M.E and B.G. Baarli. Erosion and burial of granite rocky shores in the Recent and Late Pleistocene of the Seychelles Islands: Physical and biological perspectives. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 21. in press.
- Johnson, M.E., Rong Jia-yu, and Su Wen-bo. Paleogeographic orientation of the Sino-Korean Plate based on evidence for a prevailling Silurian wind field. Journal of Geology, v. 112, p.
- Payne, J.L., M.E. Johnson, and J. Ledesma-Vázquez. Alisitos Formation at Punta San Isidro: Coastal sedimentation and volcanism. Ciencias Marinas, v. 30, p. 365-380.
- Baarli, B.G., Johnson, M.E. and A.I. Antoshkina. Silurian stratigraphy and paleogeography of Baltica, pp. 3-34. In Landing, E. and Johnson, M.E. (eds), Silurian Lands and Seas Outside Laurentia. New York State Museum Bulletin 493, 400 p. PDF
- Johnson, M.E. and Landing, E. Preface, pp. vii-ix, In, Landing, E. and Johnson, M.E. (eds.), Silurian Lands and Seas: Paleogeography Outside of Laurentia. New York State Museum Bulletin 493, 400 p.
- Johnson, M.E., D.H. Backus, and J. Ledesma-Vázquez. Offset of Pliocene ramp facies at El Mangle by El Coloradito Fault, Baja California Sur: Impications for transtensional tectonics. In "Tectonic evolution of northwestern Mexico and the southwestern USA: A volume in honor of R. Gordon Gastil." Geological Society of America Special Paper 374, p. 407-420.
Johnson, M.E. Discovering the Geology of Baja California
- Six Hikes on the Southern Gulf Coast. Tucson, University of Arizona
Press, 240 p., 21 halftones, 12 line illus., 7 maps.
Nelson, S.J. and M.E. Johnson. Jens Munk Archipelago: Ordovician-Silurian islands in the Churchill area of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Northern Manitoba. Journal of Geology, v. 110, p. 577-589.
Johnson, M.E. Ancient islands in the stream: Paleogeography and expected circulation patterns. Geobios, v. 35 (Mémorie Spécial No. 24), p. 96-106.
- Johnson, M.E. and J. Ledesma-Vázquez. Pliocene-Pleistocene rocky
shorelines trace coastal development of Bah’a Concepcion, gulf coast of Baja
California Sur (Mexico). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
v. 166, p. 65-88.
- Johnson, M.E., Rong J.Y., Wang, C.Y., and Wang, P. Continental
island from the Upper Silurian (Ludfordian Stage) of Inner Mongolia: Implications
for eustasy and paleogeography. Geology, v. 29, p. 955-958.
- Ledesma-Vázquez, J. and M.E. Johnson. Miocene-Pleistocene tectono-sedimentary
evolution of Bahía Concepción region, Baja California Sur (Mexico).
Sedimentary Geology, v. 144, p. 83-96.
- Rong J., Johnson, M.E., Baarli, B.G., Li W., Su W., and Wang J. Continental
island from the Upper Silurian (Ludlow) Sino- Korean Plate. Chinese Science
Bulletin, v. 46, p. 238-241.
- Rong J., Johnson, M.E., Baarli, B.G., Li W., Su W., and Wang J. Continental
island from the Upper Silurian (Ludlow)Sino-Korean Plate. Chinese Science
Bulletin, v. 45, p. 2227-2231 [in Chinese].
- Russell, P. and M.E. Johnson. Influence of seasonal winds on coastal carbonate
dunes from the Recent and Plio-Pleistocene at Punta Chivato (Baja Californa
Sur, Mexico). Journal of Coastal Research, v. 16, p. 709-723.
- Baarli, B.G., H.B. Keilen, and M.E. Johnson. Silurian communities of the
Oslo region, Norway. In, Boucot, A.J. and Lawson, J.D. (eds.), Paleocommunities
Ð a case study from the Silurian and Lower Devonian. Cambridge University
Press, p. 327-349.
- Johnson, M.E. and Baarli. B.G. Diversification of rocky-shore biotas through
geologic time. Geobios, v. 32, p.257-273.
- Johnson, M.E. and J. Ledesma-V‡zquez. Biological zonation on a rocky-shore
boulder deposit: Upper Pleistocene Bah’a San Antonio (Baja California Sur,
Mexico). Palaios, v. 14, p.569-584.
- Ledesma-V‡zquez, J., Johnson, M.E. y Romero R’os. Evoluci—n tect—nica del
Golfo de California: Mioceno-Pleistoceno de Bah”a Concepci—n, B.C.S. Gaceta
Asociaci—n Mexicana de Ge—logos Petroleros, v. 3, p. 1-5.
- Witzke, B.J. and M.E. Johnson. Silurian brachiopod and related benthic
communities from carbonate platform and mound environments of Iowa and surrounding
areas. In, Boucot, A.J. and Lawson, J.D. (eds.), Paleocommunities Ð a case
study from the Silurian and Lower Devonian.. Cambridge University Press, p.
- Johnson, M.E. The parallel impacts of William Maclure and Amos Eaton on
American geology, education, and public service. Indiana Magazine of History.
v. 94, p. 151-166.
- Johnson, M.E. and Landing, E. Introduction, p. vii-ix. In Landing, E. and
Johnson, M.E. (eds), Silurian cycles, Linkages of dynamic processes with atmospheric,
oceanic, and tectonic changes (James Hall Centennial Volume). New York State
Museum Bulletin 491,319 p.
- Johnson, M.E., Rong, J., and Kershaw, S. Calibrating Silurian eustasy against
the erosion and burial of coastal paleotopography, In Landing, E. and Johnson,
M.E. (eds), Silurian cycles, Linkages of dynamic processes with atmospheric,
oceanic, and tectonic change (James Hall Centennial Volume). New York State
Museum Bulletin 491, p. 3-13.
- Johnson, M.E., Mu X. and Rong J. Enigmatic fossil encrusting an Upper Ordovician
rocky shore on Hudson Bay, Canada. Journal of Paleontology, v. 72, p. 927-932.
- Brett, C.E., Baarli, B.G., Chowns, T., Cotter, E., Driese, S., Goodman,
W., and Johnson, M.E. Early Silurian condensed intervals, ironstones, and
sequence stratigraphy in the Appalachian foreland basin. Silurian cycles,
Linkages of dynamic processes with atmospheric, oceanic, and tectonic changes
(James Hall Centennial Volume). New York State Museum Bulletin 491, p.89-143.
- Tesakov, Yu.I., Johnson, M.E., Predtetchensky, N.N., Khromych, V.G., and
Berger, A.Y. Eustatic fluctuations in the East Siberian Basin (Siberian Platform
and Taymyr Peninsula). In Landing, E. and Johnson, M.E. (eds.), Silurian cycles,
Linkages of dynamic processes with atmospheric, oceanic, and tectonic changes
(James Hall Centennial Volume). New York State Museum Bulletin 491, p. 63-73.
- Johnson, M.E. Silurian event horizons related to the evolution and ecology
of pentamerid brachiopods, In Brett, C.E. and Baird, G.C. (eds.), Paleontological
Events: Stratigraphic, Ecological, and Evolutionary Implications. Columbia
University Press, p. 162-180.
- Johnson, M.E. Notes on Sidney PowersÕ Williams College career. Northeastern
Geology and Environmental Sciences. 19:228-230. Johnson, M.E. and Ledesma-Vazquez,
J. (eds.). Preface, p. v-viii. In Pliocene carbonates and related facies flanking
the Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico, Geological Society of America
Special Paper 318, 172 p.
- Johnson, M.E., Ledesma-Vazquez, J., Mayall, M.A., and Minch, J. Upper Pliocene
stratigraphy and depositional systems: The Peninsula Concepcion basins in
Baja California Sur, Mexico, In Johnson, M.E. and Ledesma-Vazquez (eds.),
Pliocene carbonates and related facies flanking the Gulf of California, Baja
California, Mexico: Geological Society of America Special Paper 318, p. 57-72.
- Johnson, M.E. and Libbey, L.K. Global review of Upper Pleistocene (Substage
5e) rocky shores: Tectonic segregation, substrate variation, and biological
diversity. Journal of Coastal Research. 13:297-307.
- Johnson, M.E., Teskakov, Yu. I., Predtchensky, N.N., and Baarli, B.G. Comparison
of Lower Silurian shores and shelves in North America and Siberia, In Klapper,
G., Murphy, M.A., and Talent, J.A. (eds.), Paleozoic sequence stratigraphy,
biostratigraphy, and biogeography: Studies in honor of J. Granville ("Jess")
Johnson. Geological Society of America Special Paper 321, p. 23-46.
- Cuffey, R.J. and Johnson, M.E. Bryozoan nodules built around andesite clasts
from the Upper Pliocene of Baja California: Paleoecological implications and
closure of the Panama Isthmus. In Johnson, M.E. and Ledesma-Vazquez (eds.),
Pliocene carbonates and related facies flanking the Gulf of California, Baja
California, Mexico: Geological Society of America Special Paper 318, p. 111-117.
- Ledesma-Vazquez, J., Berry, R.W., Johnson, M.E., and Gutierrez-Sanchez,
S. El Mono chert: A shallow-water chert from the Pliocene Infierno Formation,
Baja California Sur, Mexico. In Johnson, M.E. and Ledesma-Vazquez (eds.),
Pliocene carbonates and related facies flanking the Gulf of California, Baja
California, Mexico: Geolgical Society of America Special Paper 318, p. 73-81.
- Libbey, L.K. and Johnson, M.E. Upper Pleistocene rocky shores and intertidal
biotas on the Gulf of California at Playa La Palmita (Baja California Sur,
Mexico). Journal of Coastal Research. 13:216-225.
- Simian, M.E. and Johnson, M.E. Development and foundering of the Pliocene
Santa Ines Archipelago in the Gulf of California: Baja California Sur, Mexico.
In Johnson, M.E. and Ledesma-Vazquez (eds.), Pliocene carbonates and related
facies flanking the Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico: Geological
Society of America Special Papers 31, p. 25-38.
- Johnson, M.E. Stable cratonic sequences and a standard for Silurian eustasy.
In Witzke, B.J., Ludvigson, G.A., and Day, J.E. (eds.), Paleozoic sequence
stratigraphy: Views from the North American craton: Geological Society of
America Special Paper 306, p. 203-211.
- Johnson, M.E., Ledesma-Vazquez, J., Clark, H.C., and Zwiebel, J.A. Coastal
evolution of Late Cretaceous and Pleistocene rocky shores: Pacific rim of
northern Baja California, Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin.
- Johnson, M.E. and Simian, M.E. Discrimination between coastal ramps and
marine terraces at Punta Chivato on the Pliocene-Pleistocene Gulf of California.
Journal of Geosciences Education. 44:569-575.
- Ledesma-Vazquez, J., Johhnson, M.E., and Gutierrez-Sanchez, S. Origin of
a shallow basin Pliocene chert in the Gulf of California. In Nishimura, S.,
Molina-Cruz, A. and Tsuchi, R. (eds), Neogene events of the eastern tropical
Pacific and Central American seaway: IGCP-355 "Neogene Evolution of Pacific
Ocean Gateways." Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Faculty of Science,
Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-01, Japan, p. 17-27.
- Rong, J. and Johnson, M.E. A stepped karst unconformity as an Early Silurian
rocky shoreline in Guizhou Province (South China). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology. 121:115-129.
- Johnson, M.E., Baarli, B.G., and Scott, J.H., Jr. Colonization and reef
growth on a Late Pleistocene rocky shore and abrasion platform in Western
Australia. Lethaia 28: 85-98.
- Johnson, M.E. and McKerrow, W.S. The Sutton Stone, an early Jurassic rocky
shore deposit in South Wales. Palaeontology 38:529-541.
- Clark, H.C. and Johnson, M.E. Coastal geomorphology of andesite from the
Cretaceous Alisitos Formation in Baja California (Mexico). Journal of Coastal
Research 11: 401-414.
- Zwiebel, J.A. and Johnson, M.E. Late Pleistocene mytilid and petricolid
bivalves from the open rocky shores of Pacific Baja California (Mexico): Unusual
preservation of macrofossils. Journal of Coastal Research 11: 704-716.
- Ledesma-Vazquez, J. and Johnson, M.E. Late Pliocene abrasion platform from
the Cantil Costero Formation of Baja California. Ciencias Marinas 20:139-157.
- Johnson, M.E. and M.L. Hayes. Dichotomous facies on a Late Cretaceous rocky
island as related to wind and wave patterns (Baja California, Mexico). Palaios
- Hayes, M.L., M.E. Johnson, and W.T. Fox. Rocky-shore biotic associations
and their fossilization potential: Isla Requeson (Baja California Sur, Mexico).
Journal of Coastal Research 9:944-957.
- Ledesma-Vaquez, J. y Johnson, M.E. Neotectonica del area Loreto-Mulege.
En Delgado-Argote, L.A. y Martin-Barajas, A., eds., Contribuciones a la Tectonica
del Occidente de Mexico, Monografia No. 1, Union Geofiscica Mexicana, p. 115-122.
- Scott, J.H., Jr. and M.E. Johnson. Lateral variation in the geomorphology
of a Pleistocene rocky coastline at Kalbarri (Western Australia). Journal
of Coastal Research 9:1013-1025.
- Johnson, M.E. Studies on ancient rocky shores: A brief history and annotated
bibliography. Journal of Coastal Research 8:797-812.
- Johnson, M.E. A.W. Grabau's embryonic sequence stratigraphy and eustatic
curve, In, Dott, R.H., Jr. (ed.), Eustasy: The Historical Ups and Downs of
a Major Concept: Geological Society of America Memoir 180, p. 43-54.
- Baarli, B.G., S. Brande, and M.E. Johnson. Proximality trends in the Red
Mountain Formation (Lower Silurian) of Birmingham, Alabama, In Chaplin, J.R.
and Barrick, J.E. (eds.), Special papers in paleontology and stratigraphy:
A tribute to Thomas W. Amsden: Oklahoma Geological Survey Bulletin 145:1-17.
- Baarli, B.G., M.E. Johnson, and H.B. Keilen. Size and shape distribution
of level-bottom tabulate corals and stromatoporoids (Silurian). Lethaia 25:269-282.
- Johnson, M.E., B.G. Baarli, H. Nestor, M. Rubel, and D. Worsley. Eustatic
sea-level patterns from the Lower Silurian (Landovery Series) of southern
Norway and Estonia. Geological Society of America Bulletin 103:315-335.
- Johnson, M.E., D. Kaljo, and Rong Jia-yu. Silurian eustasy. 145-163. In
Bassett, M.G., Lane, P.D., and Edwards, D. (eds.). The Murchison Symposium:
proceedings of an international conference on The Silurian System. Special
Papers in Palaeontology. 44:1-397.
- Johnson, M.E. and W.S McKerrow. Sea level and faunal changes during the
latest Llandovery and earliest Ludlow (Silurian). Historical Biology 5:153-169.
- Lescinsky, H.L., J. Ledesma-Vazquez, and M.E. Johnson. Dynamics of Late
Cretaceous rocky shores (Lower Rosario Formation) from Baja California, Mexico.
Palaios 6:126-141.
- Johnson, M.E. Tempestites recorded as variable Pentamerus layers in the
Lower Silurian of southern Norway. Journal of Paleontology 63:195-205.
- Johnson, M.E. Uses of history in an historical science: Learning from traditions
in geology. Earth Sciences History 4:51-54. Johnson, M.E. Williams College
and the foundation of geology in western Massachusetts and New York. History
of Geology Field-trip Guide, International Geological Congress (Washington,
D.C., 1989) Field Trip T169:20-24.
- Johnson, M.E. and Rong Jia-yu. Middle to Late Ordovician rocky bottoms
and rocky shores from the Manitoulin Island area (Ontario). Can. J. Earth
Sci 26:642-653.
- Johnson, M.E., Rong Jia-yu, and W.T. Fox. Comparison of Late Ordovician
epicontinental seas and their relative bathymetry in North America and China.
Palaios 4:55-62.
- Johnson, M.E., D.F. Skinner, and K.G. MacLeod. Ecological zonation during
the carbonate transgression of a Late Ordovician rocky shore (north-eastern
Manitoba, Hudson Bay, Canada). Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology
- Johnson, M.E. Why are ancient rocky shores so uncommon? Jour. Geology.
96:469-480. Johnson, M.E. Hunting for ancient rocky shores. Journal Geological
Education 36:147-154
- . Johnson, M.E. Early Silurian carbonates from the Upper Mississippi Valley
area as a key to platform development on a cratonic scale. In Ludvigson, G.A.
and B.J. Bunker (eds.): New perspectives on the Paleozoic history of the Upper
Mississippi Valley. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Geological Suvey
Bureau Guidebook No. 8, pp. 79-93.
- Baarli, B.G. and M.E. Johnson. Biostratigraphy of key brachiopod lineages
from the Llandovery Series (Lower Silurian) of the Oslo Region. Norsk Geologisk
Tidsskrift 68:259-274.
- Johnson, M.E. North American Paleozoic oceanography: Overview of progress
toward a modern synthesis. Paleoceanography 2:123-140.
- Johnson, M.E. Extent and bathymetry of North American platform seas in
the Early Silurian. Paleoceanography 2:185-211.
- Johnson, M.E. and B.G. Baarli. Encrusting corals on a latest Ordovician
to earliest Silurian rocky shore, southwest Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada.
Geology 15:15-17.
- Skinner, D.F. and M.E. Johnson. Nautiloid debris oriented by long-shore
currents along a late Ordovician-early Silurian rocky shore. Lethaia 20:152-158.
- Johnson, M.E. and H.L. Lescinsky. Depositional dynamics of cyclic carbonates
from the Interlake Group (Lower Silurian) of the Williston Basin. Palaios
- Beadle, S.C. and M.E. Johnson. Palaeoecology of Silurian cyclocrinitid
algae. Palaeontology 29:585-601.
- Johnson, M.E. A.W. Grabau and the fruition of a new life in China. Journal
Geological Education 33:106-111.
- Johnson, M.E. Early survey work and the roots of geological education in
the Carolinas. In Corgan, J.X. (ed): Geological Education in the South, Earth
Sciences History, 4:3-9.
- Johnson, M.E. Limestones, changing sea level, and other views on the way
from Norway to China. Williams Alumni Review 77:22-26.
- Johnson, M.E., Rong Jia-yu, and Yang Xue-chang. Intercontinental correlation
by sea-level events in the lower Silurian of North America and China (Yangtze
Platform). Geological Society of America Bulletin 96:1384-1397.
- Johnson, M.E. Chasing Silurian sea-level changes in China. China Exchange
News (Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China)
- Rong Jia-yu, M.E. Johnson, & Yang Xue-chang. Early Silurian (Llandovery)
sea-level changes in the Upper Yangtze region of central and southwestern
China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 23:672-693. (In Chinese with English summary).
- Johnson, M.E. New member names for the Lower Silurian Hopkinton Dolomite
of eastern Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 90:13-l8.
- Worsley, D., R.J. Aldridge, B.G. Baarli, M.P.A. Howe, and M.E. Johnson.
The Llandovery Series of the Oslo Region. A submission to the Subcommission
on Silurian Stratigraphy (April l983). Paleontological Contr. Univ. Oslo no.
287, pp. 1-37.
- Johnson, M.E. The second geological career of Ebenezer Emmons: Success and
failure in the southern states, 1851-1860. In Corgan, J.X. (ed.): The Geological
Sciences in the Antebellum South. Univ. of Alabama Press, pp. 142-170.
- Johnson, M.E. & V.R. Colville. Regional integration of evidence for evolution
in the Silurian Pentamerus-Pentameroides lineage. Lethaia 15:41-54. Colville,
V.R. & M.E. Johnson. Correlation of sea-level curves for the Silurian of the
Bruce Peninsula and Lake Timiskaming District (Ontario). Can. J. Earth Sci.
- Johnson, M.E. Historical overview of research on Lower Silurian (Llandovery)
strata in Norway. In Worsley, D. (ed.): IUGS Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy.
Field Meeting, Oslo Region 1982. Paleontological Contr. Univ. Oslo no. 278,
pp. 1-10.
- Baarli, B.G. & M.E. Johnson. Lower Silurian biostratigraphy of stricklandiid
and pentamerid brachiopod lineages in the Oslo Region. In Worsley, D. (ed.):
IUGS Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy. Field Meeting, Oslo Region 1982.
Paleontological Contr. Univ. Oslo no. 278, pp. 91-104.
- Johnson, M.E. & D. Worsley. Chronology and depositional environments of
early Silurian sequences in the Oslo Region. In Worsley, D. (ed.): IUGS Subcommission
on Silurian Stratigraphy. Field Meeting, Oslo Region 1982. Paleontological
Contr. Univ. Oslo no. 278, pp. 149-160.
- Worsley, D., B.G. Baarli, & M.E. Johnson. An excursion guide to the Lower
Silurian sequences of the Asker, Ringerike and Oslo Districts of the Oslo
Region. In Worsley, D. (ed.): IUGS Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraplhy,
Field Meeting, Oslo Region 1982. Paleontlolgical Contr. Univ. Oslo no. 278,
pp. 161-176.
- Johnson, M.E. Correlation of Lower Silurian strata from the Michigan Upper
Peninsula to Manitoulin Island. Can. J. Earth Sci. 18:869-883.
- Johnson, M.E., L.R.M. Cocks, & P. Copper. Late Ordovician-Early Silurian
fluctuations in sea level from eastern Anticost Island, Quebec. Lethaia 14:73-82.
- Johnson, M.E. Paleoecological structure in Early Silurian platform seas
of the North American Midcontinent. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
- Johnson, M.E. & G.T. Campbell. Recurrent carbonate environments in the
Lower Silurian of northern Michigan and their interregional correlation. Journal
of Paleontology 54:1041-1057.
- Johnson, M.E. Mary Anning and geology in the early 19th Century. pp. 27-36.
In A Symposium on "Women in the History of Science" presented at Williams
College Jan. 25, 1980. Privately published, 65 p.
- Johnson, M.E. & W.T. Fox. Following a 145-year-old trail. Williams Alumni
Review 73:25-28.
- Johnson, M.E. Evolutionary brachiopod lineages from the Silurian Llandovery
Series of eastern Iowa. Palaeontology 22:549-567.
- Ziegler, A.M., C.R. Scotese, W.S. McKerrow, M.E. Johnson, & R.K. Bambach.
Paleozoic paleogeography. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 7:473-502.
- Johnson, M.E. Paleobathymetry and the community concept. Lethaia 11:258.
- Nitecki, M.H. & M.E. Johnson. Internal structures of Cyclocrinites dactioloides,
a receptaculitid alga from the Lower Silurian of Iowa. Fieldiana Geol. 39:1-15.
- Nitecki, M.H., J.L. Lemke, H.W. Pullman, & M.E. Johnson. Acceptance of
plate tectonic theory by geologists. Geology 6:661-664.
- Johnson, M.E. Succession and replacement in the development of Silurian
brachiopod populations. Lethaia 10:83-93.
- Johnson, M.E. Geology in American education: 1825-1860. Geological Society
of America Bulletin 88:1192-1198. Johnson, M.E. Early geological exploration
of the Silurian System in Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 84:150-156.
- Ziegler, A.M., K.S. Hansen, M.E. Johnson, M.A. Kelly, C.R. Scotese, & R.
Van der Voo. Silurian continental distributions, paleogeography, climatology,
and biogeography. Tectonophysics 40:13-51.
- Ziegler, A.M., C.R. Scotese, W.S. McKerrow, M.E. Johnson, & R.K. Bambach.
Paleozoic biogeography of continents bordering the Iapetus (pre-Caledonian)
and Rheic (pre-Hercynian) Oceans. Milwaukee Public Mus. Spec. Publ. in Biology
& Geology 2:1-22.
- Johnson, M.E. Recurrent community patterns in epeiric seas: the Lower Silurian
of eastern Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 82: 130-139.
- Johnson, M.E. Occurrence of a ctenacanthoid shark spine from the Upper Devonian
of north central Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 81:56-60.