Possible undergraduate research projects: for more information, contact me at
sjm1 AT williams.edu
Here is a summary sheet of the projects.
Some papers for potential topics (REVISING THIS RIGHT NOW!):
- Irrationality and infinitude of primes:
- Miller-Schiffman-Wieland:
Infinitude of primes: there are lots of proofs of the infinitude of the
primes. One of my favorite is based on zeta(s) = sum_n 1/n^2 = pi^2/6 is
irrational. If you've heard of Euclid's proof, that leads to pi(x) = #{p
prime: p <= x} is larger than loglog(x); using some advanced concepts
(irrationality measure) we can basically recover this bound by looking at
how irrational pi^2 is; unfortunately, the proof of how irrational pi^2 is
uses as input pi(x) is about x / log(x). There are ways around this
assumption, and we do get something nice.
- Additive and elementary number theory
- Miller-Roman-Sinnott: y^2=
n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3): A nice proof when four consecutive integers can and
cannot be a square; can you generalize to products of six consecutive
integers? This could make a really nice Monthly article.
- More sums than differences: See big papers by
(2) Martin and
O'Bryant. Gist: given a finite set of integers A, form A+A and A-A, where
A+A = {a1 + a2: a_i in A} and A-A = {a1 - a2: a_i in A}. As addition is
commutative but subtraction isn't, a generic pair gives two differences and
only one sum. Thus expect A+A to be smaller than A-A. Amazingly, Martin and
O'Bryant showed that a positive percent of the time A+A is larger! If you use
a difference model of choosing sets randomly, however, Hegarty and I showed
almost all sets are difference dominated. In the other direction, I and some
students constructed the world record for densest families of sum-dominated
- Continued Fractions (student reports from Princeton):
Click here for the homepage, with access to computer programs
- Digits of continued fractions
- Investigation of lengths of periods of quadratic irrationals
- Closed Form Expansions of Continued Fractions:
- Almost periodic continued fractions:
- Differential equations:
- Probability topics: