Enrique Peacock-López
Professor of Chemistry
at Williams since 1988
Contact Information
- Office: Thompson Chemistry Laboratory
Room 212
- Lab: Thompson Chemistry Laboratory
Room 211
- Telephone: (413) 597-2434
Courses Taught
Peacock attractor from QPL model of the Complemet's alternative pathway
Research interests
My group carries out a variety of nonlinear dynamics investigations of systems of biological interest. Recently we have studied chemical self-replication, including cross-catalytic mechanisms and prion self-replication. A second goal of our work is to elucidate the mechanism of transport of incompletely spliced mRNAs across the nuclear membrane, which is regulated by HIV-Rev protein. Our work is supported by the National Science Foundation through a Research in Undergraduate Institution grant from the Theoretical and Computational Chemistry section of the Chemistry Division and the Genes and Genome Systems program within the Molecular and Cellular Bioscience Division. (www.sciencestorm.com/award/0548622.html)
"Yet if we do not understand the cell, we can never completely understand
the organism. And if we do not understand the constituent molecules, we cannot
properly understand the cell. Molecules, therefore, must
be the starting point for our discussion of the living cell.." in "Molecular
Biology of the Cell" by Bruce Alberts et. al.
Nonlinear Dynamics in Chemistry,
Biology and Physics
Chemical and Biochemical Mechanisms as Dynamical Systems (
- In our research, we study chemical mechanisms from cell physiology and construct
models. The differential equations associated to the models are analyzed using
different software packages. We are interested in localizing regions in parameter
space where complex dynamic behavior appears.
- Some of the models and their corresponding physical systems are:
- Complex models - Complement system
- Autocatalytic template mechanisms
- Triple stranded DNA and self replicating molecules
- Negative feedback coupling - Hormone regulation - HIV1-Rev regulation
- Minimal models - Glycolysis and hepathocytes
- Cascade mechanisms - Signal transduction
- Reaction-diffusion equation - Spatio-temporal patterns
- Population Dynamics - Food chains and mutualism
- Soft potentials - Generalized Duffing equation
- MATHEMATICA 6 and chemical self-replication
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
Also, I am interested in studying the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of
chemical reaction in condensed phase.
Laberithm-1 and Laberithm-2 from Templator's reaction diffusion analysis.

- My daughter (Dartmouth 03) in La Republica Dominicana working for GrassRootSoccer as part of her requirements for a master's degree at Harvard School of Public Health.

La Familia at Dartmouth College Graduation

My daughter (Dartmouth 05) at Dartmouth

From "The Brothers K" by David James Duncan
"Vic Power, the Indians' Negro first baseman, is the hitter. It's weird to see a big black man like Power getting called an "Indian." Come to think of it, it's pretty strange to see a bunch of white guys running around calling themselves "Indians" too. How are real Indians supposed to feel about it? I mean, what if there was a team of Negroes and Indians called "the Cleveland White Guys"? I think a lot of pale-faced folks wouldn't be all that thrilled. That's one big advantage the Yankees have: black, red, brown, or white, they look like Yanks, and act like Yanks, and are Yanks. None of this cutesy Oriole or Cub or White-Indian crap for them"

Some of my Williams research students
- Ang Li '11, MD/PhD Columbia U.
- S. J. Lou '09, Ph. D. at Northwestern U.
- J. M. Chung '07, Teching at Horace Mann School (NY City).
- K. M. Beutel '06, Teach for America 07-08 (Chicago); Grad. School at U. Minnesota.
- E. D. McGehee '05 , Harvard Law '10.
- J. Ishizuka '04, Rhodes Scholar (PhD Oxford 07) Postdoc - NIH; Med. School Harvard U..
- G. W. Albert '99, (MD/MPH Tufts U 03) Neurosurgery (University of Iowa)
- Geoffrey R. Hutchison '99, (PhD Northwestern 04) Assistant Professor U Pittsburgh.
- Leo L Tsai '98, (Herchel Smith Fellow, M. Sc. Cambridge U. 00) MD-PhD Harvard U..
- Casey H. Londergan '97 (PhD UC San Diego 03) Assistant Professor, Haverford College
- Daniel B. Radov'96, (Herchel Smith Fellow, M. Phil, Cambridge U. 98) Research Associate at Harvard Business School.
- Elizabeth Juang '95, (PhD UC Berkeley 00)
- Carolyn S. Flesner'94, MS in Computer Science, Tufts University
- Ethan Marin'93, MD/PhD University of Michigan Medical School
- Katherine T. Queeney '92 (PhD Harvard 98) Professor, Smith College.
- Darren K. MacFarland '91, (PhD U. Wisconsin 96), Director, Global Chemistry New Product Development, at HACH
- Michael W. Swartz '90, Candbridge Soft


Selected publications
- Name of undergraduate coauthors in boldface.
- Switching induced complex dynamics in an extended logistic map, Erik A.
Levinsohn, Steve A.
Mendoza and E. Peacock-López, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 45, 426-432 (2012).
(7 pages)
- Switching induced oscillations in the logistic map, Makisha P. S. Maier and E. Peacock-López, Physics Letters A 374, 1028-1032 (2010). (5 pages)
- Self-regulation in a minimal model of chemica self-replication, Sylvia J. Lou, and Enrique Peacock-Lopez, Journal of Biological Physics, 38, 349-364 (2012). (15 pages)
- Modeling square-wave pulse regulation, Sylvia J. Lou, Annaliese K. Beery, and E. Peacock-Lopez, Dynamical Systems 25, 133-143 (2010). (11 pages)
- Complex dynamics in a modified Lotka-Volterra model with predator pairing, Syed Kashif Akhtar, Alison B. Peet and E. Peacock-López, Journal of Biological Systems, 20, 87-108 (2012). (22 pages)
- Bifurcation diagrams and Turing patterns in a chemical self-replicating reaction-diffusion system with cross-diffusion, Jessica M. Chung and E. Peacock-López, Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 174903 (2007). (7 pages)
- Cross-diffusion in the Templator model of chemical self-replication, Jessica M. Chung and E. Peacock-López, Physics Letters A 371, 41-47 (2007).
(7 pages)
- Chemical Oscillations: Two-variable Chemical Models, Katheleen M Beutel and E. Peacock-López, Chemical Educator 12, 224-235 (2007). (12 pages)
- Complex dynamics in a cross-catalytics self-replication mechanism, Katheleen M. Beutel and E. Peacock-López, Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 125104 (2007). (5 pages)
- Chemical Oscillations and Turing Patterns in a generalized two-variable model of chemical self-replication, Katheleen M Beutel and E. Peacock-López, Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 024908 (2006). (8 pages) Selected by Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research July 15 (2006). (8 pages)
- Bifurcations, and temporal and spatial patterns of a modified Lotka-Volterra model, Edward A. McGehee, Noel Schutt, Desiderio A. Vasquez, and E. Peacock-López, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 18, 2223-2248 (2008).
(26 pages)
- Turing Patterns in a Modified Lotka-Volterra Model, Edward A. McGehee and E. Peacock-López, Physics Letters A342, 90-98 (2005). (9 pages) .
- An introduction to Turing patterns in nonlinear chemical kinetics, Edward
A. McGehee and E. Peacock-López, Chemical Educator 10, 84-94 (2005). (11 pages)
Complex dynamics in a three-level trophic system with intraspecies interaction.
Alison B. Peet, Peter A. Deutsch and E. Peacock-López,
Journal of Theoretical Biology 232, 491-503 (2005) . (13 pages)
- Elements of nonlinear dynamics in chemical kinetics, Jeffrey I. Ishizuka,
Hang Song and E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator 9, 142-151 (2004)
. (10 pages)
- Turing patterns in a self-replicating
mechanism with a self-complementary template, L. L. Tsai, G. R.
Hutchison and E.Peacock-López, Journal of Chemical Physics 113, 2003-2006 (2000) . (4 pages)
- Dynamic model of hormonal systems coupled by negative feedback, C. H.
Londergan and E. Peacock-López, Biophysical Chemistry 73, 85-107 (1998) . (23 pages)
- Mixed-mode oscillations in a self-replicating dimerization mechanism, E.
Peacock-López, D. B. Radov and C. S. Flesner, Biophysical
Chemistry 65, 171-178 (1997) . (8 pages)
- Steady state approximation in the minimal model of the alternative pathway
of complement, E. Juang and E. Peacock-López, Biophysical Chemistry
65, 143-156 (1997) . (14 pages)
- Chaos in a minimal model of the alternative pathway of the complement system,
E. Peacock-López and K. L. Queeney, Biophysical Chemistry 63, 167-183 (1997) . (17 pages)
- Chemical Oscillations in Enzyme Kinetics, K. L. Queeney, E. Marin,
C. A. Campbell and E. Peacock-López, The Chemical Educator
1, Aug. (1996)(17 pages)
- Complex Dynamics in a Minimal Model of the Alternative Pathway of the Complement,
K. L. Queeney and E. Peacock-López, Biophysical Chemistry 46, 101-115 (1993).(15 pages)
- Theoretical Model of LDL-Receptor Trapping on a Spherical Cell, M. W.
Swartz and E. Peacock-López, Biophysical Chemistry 44, 1-9 (1992).
(9 pages)
- Two-dimensional Reactive Systems: Rapid Bimolecular Processes on Spherical
Surfaces, M. W. Swartz and E. Peacock-López, Journal of Chemical
Physics 95, 2727-2731 (1991). (5 pages)

Williams Chemistry