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Founded in 1998, the Metanexus Institute is a global interdisciplinary think tank involving 240 active groups in 42 countries. The Institute is led by a Board of Directors, an Academic Board and a permanent staff headquartered in Philadelphia. Metanexus publishes The Global Spiral, a monthly newsletter and sponsors conferences and other initiatives.

Zygon is the premiere journal of science and religion, published since 1966. Several sample articles can currently be downloaded free of charge. Baack issues can be searched for articles for sale on line.

The John Templeton Foundation funds grants for work in the relationship of science to religion. Their mission is to serve as a philanthropic catalyst for discovery in areas engaging life’s biggest questions. These questions range from explorations into the laws of nature and the universe to questions on the nature of love, gratitude, forgiveness, and creativity.

The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) sponsors research, teaching and public service. The central scientific focus of these programs is on physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and genetics, with additional topics in the neurosciences, technology, the environmental sciences, and mathematics. The central theological focus is on Christian theology, ethics and spirituality, with additional attention to the theological issues arising from the engagement between the sciences and world religions.
CTNS publishes an email newsletter and a journal, Theology and Science. Vol. 4, Issue 3 of Theology and Science can currently be downloaded free of charge. CTNS also sponsors grant programs, conferences and other events.