providing resources for constructive discussions of the relationship of science to religion
in Northern Berkshire County, Massachusetts

Religious Perspectives on
the Scientific Story

Links to

Celebration of Evolution

What and why "evolution"

Scientific story of evolution

Religious perspectives on the scientific story

A particular religious perspective


Directions to Wege Auditorium and parking

Here are some religious perspectives on a few characteristics of the scientific creation story:

Intricately beautiful, inspiring awe and wonder:
From cell to cosmos, a glorious universe

Mathematically intelligible, revealing lawfulness:
the key to being able to do science, but also the key to confidence that what we think and plan can help us live our lives

Vastly various, inspiring humility: humanity is only a dot in the vastness of space and time

Made of stardust, assuring belonging: we are a good fit to our universe; we belong

Responsive, revealing responsibility: what we do has lasting consequences




Unpredicatble, revealing contingency: we cannot know the future precisely

Relational, inspiring community: we develop as individuals within communities

Interdependent, inspiring compassion: helping others less fortunate than ourselves strengthens the wholes of which we are parts.

Ultimately futile, revealing the need to look beyond the material world for ultimate meaning and hope: meaning and hope are not proportional to stuff

These are some of the ideas that have occurred to us and to others in contemplating the ongoing creation. Doubtless there are more that will occur to others.

For a descriptiion of a NBCRS five-part minicourse based on these perspectives, click here.